Abdominal Imaging for Adrenal Tumors

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Adrenal CT or MRI are the most common ways to identify adrenal tumors.

Imaging characteristics of benign adrenal nodules:

  • Well-Defined Borders: Benign nodules usually have clear and well-defined borders on imaging scans, making it easier to distinguish them from surrounding tissues.
  • Low density / lipid rich: Benign nodules are often more fatty and less dense than the surrounding structures.
  • Smooth and Regular Shape: They often appear round or oval with a smooth and regular shape. This contrasts with irregular shapes that might be seen in more worrisome nodules.
  • Consistent Density: Benign nodules tend to have a consistent density on imaging, indicating that the tissue is uniform throughout and doesn't show signs of abnormal growth.
  • Stable Size Over Time: In many cases, benign nodules remain the same size over time. Monitoring their size through follow-up imaging can help confirm their non-cancerous nature.
  • Non-Invasive Appearance: They typically do not invade surrounding tissues or structures. This lack of invasion is a positive sign in distinguishing benign nodules from potentially harmful ones.

Adrenal tumors that are larger than 4 cm in size or are enlarging over time often need to be removed due to an increased risk of malignancy.

Red circles show small adrenal tumors.

Abdominal Imaging for Adrenal Tumor

Red circles show small adrenal tumors.

Abdominal Imaging for Adrenal Tumors