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A full team of experts who specialize in hand transplants cares for you. Call
to learn more about our Hand Transplant Program.Giving to the UCLA Reconstructive Transplantation Program
Patients with hand, face, and other deformities endure an overwhelming loss of physical and social function. Just as solid-organ donations offer the gift of life to patients in need of internal organ transplants, doctors can now make those with the most painfully visible scars whole again.
UCLA's Reconstructive Transplantation efforts provide renewed hope for a normal life by perfecting the match of "like-to-like" tissue between organ donors and recipients. Philanthropic contributions from friends like you underwrite crucial patient care and research activities that make these miracles possible.
You are a true partner in enriching patients' lives as their basic human dignity is restored. Reconstructive transplant procedures, however, are still considered experimental, so insurance does not cover any of the costs, even when there are no other treatment options.
Financial support underwrites patient care, which returns simple pleasures such as a holding a child's hand, a smile, or the ability to eat solid food to these individuals. Moreover, research is crucial to perfecting the understanding of tissue rejection and regeneration mechanisms that ultimately determine success rates. These pursuits will change the landscape of reconstructive surgery and benefit persons with multiple types of deformities resulting from birth defects, trauma, cancer, and other afflictions.
In addition to treating civilians, the Section of Reconstructive Transplantation is proud to provide services to
, which offers specialized reconstructive treatments to military personnel wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan.Because federal funds are limited, a critical gap exists between identifying a seminal need and attracting grant support for it. Philanthropy bridges that gap and is vital to the success of this promising work.
For questions about making a contribution, please contact:
Gretchen McGarry
UCLA Health Sciences Development
(310) 794-4746
We are grateful for your partnership in this important mission. Thank you.