Recovery Groups and Meetings
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.At UCLA, we encourage patients with alcohol related use disorder to participate in recovery meetings to help with their alcohol consumption. Below you can find links to resources that can help you get started on your journey to a life free of alcohol-related health problems.
Alcoholics Anonymous
According to the Alcoholics Anonymous, “Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There are no age or education requirements to participate. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem. A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety.”
Los Angeles Central Office of Alcoholics Anonymous
Never Alone Again
AA Intergroup
In The Rooms
Refuge Recovery
As described on their website, “Refuge recovery follows the traditional Buddhist system of the Four Noble Truths", which begin with four actions:
- 1st Truth: Addiction creates suffering; we take stock of all the suffering we have experienced and caused as addicts.
- 2nd Truth: The cause of addiction is repetitive cravings; we investigate the causes and conditions that lead to addiction and begin the process of letting go.
- 3rd Truth: Recovery is possible; we come to understand that recovery is possible and take refuge in the path that leads to the end of addiction
- 4th Truth: The path to recovery is available; we engage in the process of the Eightfold Path that leads to recovery.
Virtual and in-person meetings are available and can be found on their website for your consideration.
SMART Recovery
“SMART” stands for: Self-Management and Recovery Training. As described on their website, this “is a transformative method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.”
Virtual and in-person meetings are available and can be found on their website for your consideration.
RELIVE was founded by a liver transplant recipient, Trent Ford, and his primary caregiver, Natalie Cohen. Their mission is to provide free ongoing support and resources for every patient and caregiver affected by liver failure, with a specific specialization on those affected by alcohol and addiction-related liver disease. As stated on their website, "No matter where you are on your liver transplant journey, we are here for you."
Instructions for Documenting Meeting Attendance
Should you be instructed to routinely attend a recovery meeting (i.e., Alcoholics Anonymous, SMART Recovery, Refuge Recovery, etc.) due to your history of alcohol use, please make sure to document your attendance and keep this log for your records.
Please note, the team will ask for copies of this log in the future, but you should get into the routine of sending them in on a monthly or quarterly basis.
For your reference, you will need to keep consistent documentation of the following information:
- the date and time you attended the group (i.e., 1/02/2022 at 10am),
- the title of the group you attended (i.e., 12 step study group),
- If you are attending virtually, ask if the facilitators are able to provide proof of attendance through a letter and/ or email. Keep these for your records; and,
- If you are attending in person, ask the facilitators for their signature to sign-off on your proof of attendance.
We recommend you attend at least 3 meetings per week.
We have provided a printable form to keep track of your meetings. You can download and print the form here: