Scam artist targets UCLA Health System job candidates online

UCLA police are investigating an alleged online incident in which a person pretending to represent the UCLA Health System in a hiring capacity financially scammed an individual seeking employment. UCLA was informed of the incident on June 17 by the alleged victim.
"To our knowledge, the potential candidate posted a resume on a non–UCLA-affiliated site and was contacted by a scam artist posing as an employment recruiter via email," said Robin Epstein Ludewig, director of human resources planning and talent acquisition for the UCLA Health System. "We treat such abuses seriously and refer them to law enforcement agencies as appropriate."
After receiving the email, the potential candidate participated in an online chat with the recruiter, who provided false information about UCLA Health System job opportunities. The candidate completed an online interview with the recruiter, was "hired" and was asked to provide the recruiter with $300 to purchase computer materials to support the newly landed job from home. After paying this amount, the candidate determined that the recruitment had been fictitious and contacted UCLA to report the crime.
Reports of similar attempts at this type of fraud have been received by UCLA since late April. UCLA does not require — and has never required — anyone seeking employment to pay any fees during its hiring process. 
Anyone with information about this or similar incidents is urged to contact the UCLA Police Department at 310-825-9371. 
The UCLA Health System encourages all applicants to visit its website,, and apply online for positions that meet their background and qualifications.
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UCLA Health System

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