UCLA Wireless Health Institute (WHI)

Medical teams are often put in the position of making treatment decisions without much in the way of solid data. They may see a patient once every six weeks, relying on imperfect memory and subjective descriptions of improvement.

That's why Wireless Health is such a revolutionary idea: sensors can provide continuous monitoring and proven data. For instance, a stroke victim might wear "smart" shoes, or use a "smart" cane, letting the medical team know exactly how mobile the patient is and detecting balance problems or the tendency to favor one leg over the other.

Whole communities, as well as individuals, may someday benefit from Wireless Health initiatives that are now making their way from the laboratory to industry and the marketplace.

At UCLA, the Wireless Health Institute is an interdisciplinary collaboration among engineering, medicine, nursing, public health, law, management, and film, among other academic areas. Watch the video and hear some of the principal researchers talk about the ways Wireless Health is beginning to transform health care.

Article by: UCLA Spotlight

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