Sarah Neyssani will do her residency at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. |
Friday was the day when U.S. medical students rip open envelopes and learn where they’ve been accepted for residency, the next phase of their training as physicians. This year, 40,000 individuals applied for 30,000 residency slots across the country. Nationwide, 85 percent were matched with one of their top three choices. At UCLA, the number is expected to be higher.
More than half of the class of 2014 at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA is entering residencies in primary care, with specialties in family medicine, internal medicine and pediatrics. Sixteen percent are pursuing surgical residencies.
Of 183 students, 142 will reside on the west coast, with 135 remaining in California. Sixty-nine students will stay in Los Angeles, with 43 continuing their studies at UCLA. The east coast will welcome 13 students, and six are moving to the Midwest. The class of 2014 will graduate from UCLA on May 30.
Elaine Schmidt
(310) 794-2272