Legacy Society Honor Roll
We wish to thank the following donors for helping to ensure life-changing cancer research at the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center continues. Through their generosity, our Legacy Society members give hope to countless cancer patients and their families, now and into the future.
To join the Legacy Society, please include the UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation in your estate plans and let us know by contacting Melissa Brody
or at . Thank you!Legacy Society Members
- The Wendy Ablon Trust
- Emma & Frederic Adler
- Mark Aiple
- The Rita J. Aldridge Trust
- Lynn K. Altman Family Trust
- Kathleen Andleman
- Anonymous (8)
- Marisa Arango
- Nancy E. Armstrong
- Vera Arndt
- Sally Assin
- Audrey Cynthia Bach, MPA
- Miriam Bailey
- The Balz Trust and Karl H. and Ruth M. Balz
- David B. Banghart
- Gene Barger
- Robert G. & Barbara Bartizal
- Beattie Family Trust
- Berman Family Trust
- Kitty E. Bernharth
- Claudine & Frank Biastre
- Bob Borgen in memory of Eileen Saki
- Mary E. Brenneisen Trust
- Brown Family Fund
- Gisela Brownell
- Grace Brubaker
- The David W. Bryan Trust
- Ann & David Buxton
- Robbie & Paul Carlton
- Julie Ann Carpenter
- Woodrow W. Clary
- Robert W. Clement & Joseph Louis Klein, Jr.
- Myra Colenberg in honor of Maurice Berkowitz
- John Colicelli, Ph.D.
- Sima Conrad Trust
- Lea Ann Cook
- Ruth Ann & Herbert Cowan
- Walter Craig
- Thelma L. Culverson
- Naomi Berger Davidson
- Elfrieda Davis
- Jerri & Art de Cordova in honor of Jean L. Kline
- Eva G. Doyle
- Carey J. Dutton Trust
- Wilma Jean Eaton
- William P. Edwards
- Carol & Jerome Eglin
- Janet C. Elliott
- John W. Elliott
- Ginger Empey
- Drs. Ron and Debra Estroff
- Foad Deghani-Fard
- Donna J. Fitting
- Theda Fleischacker
- Ruby D. Flora
- Diane L. Floyd
- The honor and memory of Patricia M. & Jerry S. Frank
- Lisa & Jerry Friedman
- Sara & Spartico Galieti
- Jan L. Goodsell
- Barbara B. Grant
- Robert Grant
- Joanne Greenwald
- George Gross
- Vivian M. Hall
- Janet & Jim Hamilton
- Velma Harness
- Robyn C. Harris
- Irene E. Harrison
- Lila & Robert Hartman
- Nelda L. Hasting
- Eilish and Daniel Hathaway
- Chuck Heckenlively, in loving memory of Amy Eileen Johnson
- The Harry J. Heitzer Family Trust
- Betty & Harvey Herschman
- Leona & Harold Hertzberg
- Frances D. Hine
- Anne P. Hines
- Stanley and Anita Hirsh Trust
- Thalia (Lolly) & Donald Hochman
- Phyllis & Arthur Holmes
- Marian Houghton
- Sandra & Ara Hovanesian
- Frances Louise Hunt
- Marie J. Huntley in memory of Leslie M. Huntley
- Eiko Ichinohe
- Lori Jacobson
- Stephanie & B. Krueger Jacobsen
- Sidney Jacobson
- Mary E. Jensen
- Inge & Thomas Jones
- Jane & Michael Jonsson
- Connie & George Keiter
- Isabel & Harvey Kibel
- Lucille Klipstein
- Suzzanne & Richard Knaub
- Milton Krieger
- Janine Krivokapich
- Jean L. Krysiak Trust
- Kaaren Kurtzman
- Patricia Larkins
- Dorothy S. Leeb
- Deborah L. Leidner
- Bert O. Levy
- Richard Lewis in loving memory of Sandra Lewis
- Joyce Lu
- Marilyn M. Lurie
- Fred C. Madsen
- Leona F. Mahaffey Trust
- Haig & Femma Mahdessian
- The William A. Mallet and Jeanne R. Mallet Trust
- Tobyann Mandel
- Sarah Manson
- Robert J. McCarthy
- Carol McCully
- Lottie McKnight
- Beverly McLaughlin
- Laurie & Darrow Milgrim
- Donna & Randolph Mitchell
- Noah Mitchell
- Pearl Mok
- Judith & John Mowers
- Gail & Mark Moyer
- Victoria & Carl Murray
- Nancy Nakatani
- Marjorie & Donald Neptune
- Joanna Newkirk
- Joyce Page
- Arthur L. Park & Merril Hunter Park
- Della M. Podell
- David Poiry
- Dorothy L. Pulver
- Margaret A. Ross
- Martha & Gregory Rund
- Sandra Renee Russell
- Dorette Bascho Sabersky Trust
- Goldyne Savad Trust
- Barbara & Robert J. Schiller
- Margot & Otto Schirdewan
- Michael S. Schlesinger
- Ken & Donna Schultz
- Rob R. Schuyler
- The Segal Family Trust
- Theodore & Ellen Seidman
- Barbara Shafer & Robert Marks
- Fran G. & Mallory Sibley
- Esther & Robert Smith
- Lois Grewe Snyder in memory of Kirk Snyder
- Harold R. Sobel Trust
- Thera Elaine Sollars
- Marjorie & Lee Sollenbarger
- Paul Sommer
- Ronald E. Sowers
- Penny Lyn Spark
- Laurence Spiegel
- Chilant Frenzell Sprague
- Mort Steinberg
- James Stronach
- Jean Strong
- Earl W. Sweeney
- Linda Tallen & David Paul Kane
- Charlyn D. Thompson
- Dorothy Vanderveld
- Alma Vorst
- Mary & Neil Waldhart
- Margaret C. Wathen
- Beatrice Weingart
- Mimi & Bernie West
- John Wetmore
- Vicki & Steven Wilson
- Paul Junger Witt
- Sylvia A. Wong
- Anders Yang
- Lewis K. & Gladys H. Yarnall
- Robert Yazell
- Laura Ziskin
- Rolaine Zycher