Kelley Anderson

Nursing Professional Development Specialist
Programs: Human-Centered Leadership in Healthcare, Nursing Leadership Fellowship Program, Professional Governance, Relationship-Based Care
Hospital Affiliation: Health System
Professional Governance: Nursing Executive Council, Professional Development Council, Transformational Leadership Collaborative
The 1-2-3 Program: A novel, structured, nurse-driven approach to the promotion of early palliative care in an outpatient cancer center. Oncology Nurse Society Congress. Anaheim, CA. April 2019.
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Kramer, D., Chow, K., Davis, M. E., Nelson, J. E., Anderson, K., Okpako, M., Bernal, C., Malisse, C. E., and Goldberg, J. I. (2022). The Acknowledge Normalize-Partner (ANP) Framework: A novel empathic communication tool for oncology nurses. Palliative Supportive Care, 1–8. Advance online
publication. .
Desai, A. V., Klimek, V. M., Wan, P. J., Heinberg, A., Anderson, K. L., Bernal, C., and Nelson, J. E. (2021). Palliative Medicine in Myelodysplastic Syndromes: Patients and Caregivers - A Qualitative Study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, bmjspcare2020-002865. Advance online publication.
.Epstein, A. S., Desai, A. V., Bernal, C., Romano, D., Wan, P. J., Okpako, M., Anderson, K., Chow, K., Kramer, D., Calderon, C., Klimek, V. V., Rawlins-Duell, R., Reidy, D. L., Goldberg, J. I., Cruz, E., and Nelson, J. E. (2019). Giving Voice to Patient Values Throughout Cancer: A Novel Nurse-Led Intervention. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 58(1), 72–79.e2.
.Desai, A. V., Klimek, V. M., Chow, K., Epstein, A. S., Bernal, C., Anderson, K., Okpako, M., Rawlins-Duell,R., Kramer, D., Romano, D., Goldberg, J. I., and Nelson, J. E. (2018). 1-2-3 Project: A Quality Improvement Initiative to Normalize and Systematize Palliative Care for All Patients With Cancer in the Outpatient Clinic Setting. Journal of Oncology Practice, 14(12), e775–e785.
2023-2025 ANCC Nursing Continuing Professional Development (NCPD) Premier Award
2023 Relationship-Based Care Designation with Distinction
2019 Patient and Family Advisory Council on Quality's Kate Niehaus Award for Patient-Centered Care, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY.
- 2022 Collaboration with Professional Governance NEC and TL Councils in the development and implementation of the first systemwide UPC Summit showcasing the impact of nurse-driven initiatives on how we provide world-class care to our patients, their loved ones, our colleagues, and ourselves.
- 2021-2022 Mentorship of the PDC Wellness Subgroup in the design, data collection, and data analysis of the systemwide Caregiver Wellbeing Survey.
- Facilitated action planning of interventions guided by the voices of UCLA caregivers based on Caregiver Survey responses, including the development of the Nursing Health and Wellness web page.
- 2021/2022 Leadership of the Re-Igniting the Spirit of Caring facilitator team to increase workshop accessibility and improve the participant experience. Over the last year, the team has hosted over 220 caregivers at RSC workshops, and we look forward to increasing that number this year.