Stan Hazen

Stan Hazen, MD, PhD(Link is external) (Link opens in new window)

Personalized cardiovascular health through pharmacological targeting of your gut microbiome. 

Dr. Stanley Hazen received clinical training in Internal Medicine and subspecialty training in Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism from Barnes/Jewish Hospital, and a PhD in Biophysical Chemistry and Molecular Biology from Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO. He holds multiple leadership positions at the Cleveland Clinic including chair, Department of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Sciences, co-section head, Preventive Cardiology & Rehabilitation, and Director, Center for Microbiome & Human Health.  

Dr. Hazen (H-index 157; citations >170,000) has published >500 articles in basic and clinical journals alike in the fields of cardiovascular disease (CVD), lipid metabolism and inflammation. He has made pioneering discoveries in mechanisms contributing to cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, including fundamental studies linking defined oxidation pathways to CVD risk, diagnostics, and therapeutics; and the seminal discovery linking gut microbial pathways to CVD pathogenesis. His research in multiple areas has impacted clinical practice, and lays the foundation for both FDA- and EU-cleared diagnostic tests for CVD risk assessment in use worldwide. His research has also helped to spawn pharmaceutical development of CVD drugs in clinical trials.  

Dr. Hazen is an elected fellow to the National Academy of Medicine, USA. He also is an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and an elected member of the American Association of Physicians.