The UCLA Institute for Precision Health unifies and leverages UCLA's substantial achievements, seamlessly integrating them into a robust foundation geared for groundbreaking discoveries in diverse disciplines within the realm of precision health. By aligning these strong independent efforts, the institute cultivates a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach essential for reshaping the clinical landscape. This collective endeavor targets impactful changes in the understanding and treatment of various disorders, spanning autism, cardiology, cancer, neurologic conditions, and undiagnosed diseases. Through a unified commitment to precision health, the institute aims to boost advancements that transcend conventional boundaries, significantly influencing patient outcomes across a spectrum of medical challenges.
Guidelines for Utilizing Universal Consent and Precision Health Data and Samples in Clinical Studies
To ensure the proper use and adherence to protocols for incorporating the UCLA Universal Consent for Research (UCON) and utilizing IPH samples and genetic data in your clinical studies, please follow the guidelines outlined below. These policies are designed to ensure ethical practices, proper training, and compliance with institutional and regulatory requirements. Adhering to these guidelines is essential to maintaining the integrity of your studies and protecting patient rights and data privacy. Please review the detailed instructions below to understand the necessary steps and approvals for utilizing UCON and/or Institute for Precision Health (IPH) samples in your research.
- Principal Investigators (PIs) wishing to enroll patients using the UCON must receive approval from the IPH Executive Committee and complete training from before implementation in their clinics.
- UCON shall not be used outside of UCLA without prior review and approval from the IPH Executive Committee. Approved external use requires a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
- PIs wishing to have patients complete the UCON in addition to their study-specific consent must decouple the UCON from their clinical research consent to avoid any real or perceived coercion. Offering the UCON first or at a separate time is considered appropriate use.
- PIs who want to collect biological samples and share them with IPH must obtain approval from the IPH Executive Committee. The collection and data sharing plan must be included in the study-specific consent. ECRI must review the IRB proposal prior to submission and provide training before sample collection begins.
- PIs must obtain IRB approval to link their de-identified study data with genetic data from ATLAS (Precision Health Biobank). An honest broker must provision the data once available (fees may apply).
- ECRI must be involved in training and oversight UCON usage with patients at approved sites.
Data Sharing Policy
All IPH data sequenced/analyzed by collaborating PIs must be made available to UCLA Researchers 12 months after the PI received the data. If there is a need for a longer embargoed period, please submit your extension request in writing to the IPH Sr. Program Manager, .
Explore the array of opportunities that IPH has to offer the research community:
- Dr. Allen and Charlotte Ginsburg
- Request Sample and Data
- Innovation at UCLA Health
- Publications and Guidelines
- Data and Biosample Resources
- Funding Opportunities