Translational Pathology Core Laboratory (TPCL)
The UCLA ATLAS Precision Health Biobank/Translational Pathology Core Laboratory
is a CAP accredited biorepository and research facility in the UCLA Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and a UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Shared Facility.Major services include fresh remnant human tissue procurement, access to frozen/paraffin embedded cancer specimens, clinical trial biospecimen procurement and processing (biopsies, biofluids) and access to archived paraffin blocks.
General histology services include processing, embedding, cutting paraffin/cryostat sections, special stains (both human and animal tissues), immunohistochemistry/immunofluorescence staining (established antibodies and optimization of new antibodies, multiplexed immunofluorescence staining (up to 9 biomarkers)), digital pathology/image analysis, laser capture microdissection (sample preparation and training) and Pathology consultation services (study design, tissue selection, IRB advice, identification of cases within UCLA archives, slide interpretation).