Reproductive Health Datasets
Calfornia Birth Defects Monitoring Program
The California Birth Defects Monitoring Program (CBDMP) collects and analyzes data to identify opportunities for preventing birth defects and improving the health of babies. For more information,
.California Health Interview Survey
CHIS is the nation's largest state health survey, giving a detailed picture of the health and health care needs of California's large and diverse population. For more information,
.California Prenatal Screening Program (PNS)
The California Prenatal Screening Program (PNS) is one component of the California Genetic Disease Screening Program (GDSP). Currently, the GDSP runs the largest screening program in the world and have set the standard in delivering high-quality, cost-effective genetic services to all Californians. For more information,
.California Vital Statistics
California Vital Statistics data files are compiled from the information reported on birth, death, and fetal death certificates, including detailed demographic information related to the infant, mother, and father (for births and fetal deaths) or decedent (for deaths), as well as medical data related to the vital event. For more information,
.LA HealthDataNow!
L.A. HealthDataNow! is a product of collaborative efforts among programs within the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH). "This query system allows public health statistics and information to be generated on demand and accessed online by the general public." (Source: LACDPH) For more information,
.Los Angeles Health Overview of a Pregnancy Event (L.A. HOPE)
L.A. HOPE is an ongoing, population-based survey of women in Los Angeles County seven to nine months after they have experienced a fetal or infant loss. For more information,
.Los Angeles County Health Survey (LACHS)
"The Los Angeles County Health Survey is a population based telephone survey that provides information concerning the health of Los Angeles County residents. The data are used for assessing health-related needs of the population, for program planning and policy development, and for program evaluation." (Source: LACDPH) For more information,
.Los Angeles Mommy and Baby (LAMB) Project
The LAMB survey captures mothers who recently delivered a baby residing in Los Angeles County within two to six months after birth. For more information,
.Maternal and Infant Health Assessment
The Maternal and Infant Health Assessment, is a population-based survey of women with a recent live birth in California that collects information about maternal experiences, attitudes and behaviors before, during and shortly after pregnancy. For more information,
.California Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development
An inpatient discharge record is submitted each time a patient is treated in a licensed general acute care hospital in California. These facilities report their discharge data including patient demographic information, such as age, sex, county of residence, and race/ethnicity, diagnostic information, treatment information, disposition, total charges and expected source of payment. For more information,
.Public Health Foundation Enterprises (PHFE) WIC Data Mining Project
"The primary goal of the Data Mining Project is to provide comprehensive data about the low-income 0-5 population in Los Angeles County.
Funded by First 5 LA, the project examines WIC administrative data and administers periodic surveys of WIC families in order to examine and address the needs of the low-income community." (Source: PHFE WIC) For more information, .
University of California Research eXchange
"The University of California Research eXchange (UC ReX) Data Explorer is a secure, web based system that enables UC investigators to identify potential research study cohorts at the five UC medical centers." (Source: UC ReX) For more information,