About Us
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If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted or sexually abused, call us. We can help.
About Us
Established in 1974, the Rape Treatment Center at UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center, is internationally recognized for its pioneering work and exemplary treatment, prevention, and education programs.
The Rape Treatment Center has had a leadership role in advancing policy reforms, creating multi-agency partnerships, and developing innovative service delivery models to help bring justice and compassionate care to victims wherever they turn for help.

The Rape Treatment Center provides free, comprehensive, state-of-the-art treatment for sexual assault victims – adults and children – 24 hours a day, including highly specialized emergency medical care, forensic/evidentiary services, counseling, advocacy, accompaniment, and information about rights and options to help victims make informed choices and decisions. The Rape Treatment Center also provides ongoing, longer-term, trauma-informed therapy and other support services for victims and their significant others.
Pioneering Models to Enhance Victim Care
The Rape Treatment Center created an innovative, highly specialized medical clinic that transformed 24-hour emergency care for sexual assault victims. In most communities, victims who seek immediate treatment are seen in busy hospital emergency departments where they are often subjected to long waits to receive care. The Rape Treatment Center’s medical clinic is dedicated exclusively to sexual assault victim care 24 hours a day. It is located within the hospital, in a private, safe, therapeutic setting. The clinic is staffed by highly trained professionals with specialized expertise in the medical, forensic, and psychological aspects of victim care. It is a model for the nation.
Stuart House®, a program of the Rape Treatment Center, is internationally recognized as a model for the treatment of sexually abused children. It was established in 1988 to remedy serious problems in the traditional child protection system and to enhance the treatment of child victims. Stuart House therapists are highly trained clinicians with knowledge, skill and experience in helping sexually abused children and their families. Stuart House is an innovative public-private partnership where professionals work together to coordinate child sexual abuse investigations and to protect and support children.
To provide comprehensive treatment for adult and child victims of rape, sexual assault and other forms of sexual abuse; prevention and education initiatives that reduce the prevalence of these forms of violence; and training programs for law enforcement and other service providers to enhance the treatment victims receive wherever they turn for help.
A society that does not tolerate sexual assault or sexual abuse in any form, that ensures all victims receive comprehensive care and treatment, and that supports victims as they seek justice and healing.