Monitoring badges known as dosimeters will be issued to employees whom are likely to be exposed to 10% or greater of the annual dose limit for radiation . The various types of monitoring media are as follows:
Badge Type |
Function |
Chest (P1), Collar (P13), & Waist (Whole Body) |
Provides a measurement of the deep (DDE) and shallow (SDE) radiation dose equivalent received by the whole body. |
Ring (U3 or U4) |
First ring (identified as a “U3”) provides a measurement of the extremity radiation dose equivalent received by the lower arm and hand. It is to be worn under the protective latex glove on a finger of the hand likely to receive the highest radiation exposure. A second ring (identified as a “U4”) is worn on a finger of the opposite hand which is recommended for individuals who routinely prepare and/or administer radiopharmaceuticals or brachytherapy. |
Fetal |
For declared pregnant workers, to be worn in an area closest to the fetus such as the waist. Monitored on a monthly basis. |
Control |
For monitoring radiation exposure received during transit. At the user’s facility, the badge is stored in a radiation free area during the current wear period. |
Area Monitor |
Provides measurement of radiation levels in and around work areas that contain radiation therapy equipment or sources.
Requesting Dosimeters
In order to obtain a dosimeter an online training is required. Click the link below to complete the required training in order to request a dosimeter:
Once completed please notify your department representative.
Pregnant Employees
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulations state that during the entire gestation period, the maximum permissible dose equivalent to the embryo-fetus from occupational exposure of the expectant mother shall not exceed 500 mrem (10% of the maximum permissible dose for non-pregnant employees).
For additional information please see the provided handout.
In order to declare pregnancy please fill out the Declaration of Pregnancy form listed below. Once completed forms can be returned to
Previous Exposures
Employees who have been issued a dosimeter prior to their employment at UCLA Health will need to fill out the previous exposure monitoring form and return it to
Annual Occupational Dose Limits
Dose Type |
Dose Limit |
Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) (whole-body dose from both external and internal sources) |
5 rem (5,000 mrem)/year |
Lens Dose Equivalent (LDE) (dose to the lens of the eye) |
15 rem (15,000 mrem)/year |
Skin Dose Equivalent (SDE) (Skin and Extremity dose) |
50 rem (50,000 mrem)/year |
Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE) (whole-body dose which includes: head, trunk, active blood forming organs & gonads) |
5 rem (5,000 mrem)/year |
Total Organ Dose Equivalent (TODE) (The organ receiving the highest dose from both external and internal sources) |
50 (50,000 mrem)/year |
Declared Pregnant Woman |
0.5 rem (500 mrem) for entire gestation |