Aubrey Farabee, MSW
Clinical Social Worker
As a clinical social worker, it is my responsibility to help address the vast range of social needs of those who are impacted by a cancer diagnosis. This includes providing one on one support, linking individuals to group opportunities, acknowledging the needs of care givers and loved ones, and subsequently connecting people to necessary resources to meet their unique needs.
I earned my B.A. in Counseling Psychology at Colorado Mesa University in 2019. During my time at CMU, I volunteered at a nursing home and completed a field practicum working with dual diagnosis incarcerated individuals and providing them with group therapy and psychoeducation. In 2022 I earned my master’s degree in Social Work from the USC Suzanne-Dworak Peck School of Social Work. During my time at USC, I learned the extent to which mental health can be influenced by many factors including one’s physical, environmental, social, spiritual, economic circumstances. During my second year of graduate school, I had the honor of interning here at the Simms/Mann Center, where I uncovered my passion for working with oncology patients to create meaning in unimaginable circumstances and my desire to create a safe and nurturing space for people to express their thoughts and emotions.
Simms/Mann Center Programming
Women’s Survivorship Support Group
Personal Interests
In my free time I enjoy staying active, cooking, painting, listening to music, and spending time with loved ones.