Annette Stanton, PhD
Contact Information
Scientific Interests
Dr. Annette Stanton's research centers on specifying factors that help and hinder individuals as they adjust to health-related adversity. She is interested in testing theories of stress and coping and related conceptual models in individuals and couples confronting cancer, reproductive problems and other stressors.
Highlighted Publications
Hart SL, Hoyt MA, Diefenbach M, Anderson DR, Kilbourn KM, Craft LL, Steel JL, Cuijpers P, Mohr DC, Berendsen M, Spring B, Stanton AL. Meta-analysis of efficacy of interventions for elevated depressive symptoms in adults diagnosed with cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2012 Jul 3;104(13):990-1004. Epub 2012 Jul 5
Stanton AL. What happens now? Psychosocial care for cancer survivors after medical treatment completion. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Apr 10;30(11):1215-20. Epub 2012 Mar 12
Yanez B, Thompson EH, Stanton AL. Quality of life among Latina breast cancer patients: a systematic review of the literature. J Cancer Surviv. 2011 Jun;5(2):191-207. Epub 2011 Jan 28
Low CA, Stanton AL, Bower JE, Gyllenhammer L. A randomized controlled trial of emotionally expressive writing for women with metastatic breast cancer. Health Psychol. 2010 Jul;29(4):460-6.
Stanton AL, Revenson TA, Tennen H. Health psychology: psychological adjustment to chronic disease. Annu Rev Psychol. 2007;58:565-92.