National Institutes of Health and National Cancer Institute Resources
NIH Active Funding Opportunities
The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts is NIH's official publication of notices of grant policies, guidelines, and funding opportunity announcements (FOAs). NIH publishes daily and issues a table of contents weekly.
NIH Career Path Information
This website provides NIH Career Path Information to help prepare the skilled, creative, and diverse biomedical research workforce of tomorrow. It includes information on undergraduate and postbaccalaureate education, predoctoral training/clinical doctorate, postdoctoral training/clinical residency, early research career development, and investigator development and mentoring.
NIH Application Guide
Use the application instructions found on this website along with the guidance in the funding opportunity announcement to submit grant applications to the NIH.
NIH Budget Development
General tips and reminders for preparing a NIH research grant application, mainly geared towards the SF424 (R&R) application. (Note: these tips do not supersede the budget instructions found in the relevant application instruction guide.)
NCI Bottom Line: A Blog about Grants and More
This grantee-focused blog covers the latest on NCI's fiscal landscape, funding decisions, grants policy news, processes, and more.
NCI Annual Plan and Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year
Complete information on the Fiscal Year NCI Annual Plan and Budget Proposal.
NCI Collaboration and Team Science Guide
A Field Guide about collaboration and team science which serves as a valuable resource for scientists participating in or leading a research team.
NCI-supported Resources for Researchers
Resources for Researchers is a directory of NCI-supported tools and services for cancer researchers. Most resources are free of cost and available to anyone.
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