Advancing healthcare through Med-Peds innovation

AIR-P Network

The Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P) establishes and maintains an interdisciplinary, multicenter research network for scientific collaboration and infrastructure to increase the life expectancy and quality of life for autistic individuals, particularly for underserved and vulnerable populations.


Southern California Addiction Medicine Consortium

The Southern California Addiction Medicine Consortium is a space for medical professionals to convene and discuss current trends in drug use and addiction, aiming to identify the systemic issues of drug use and overdose and to develop strategies for further research and treatment.

The state of california, with the text Southern California Addiction Medicine Consortium

Med-Peds Quality Improvement

The Med-Peds QI team provides data mining, extraction, and analysis of UCLA Health patient records for our division. This data-driven formal approach to systemic and continuous analysis of our health system is used to develop initiatives and programs that improve the quality and safety of patient care.



The Primary Care Training and Enhancement – Language and Disability Access (PCTE-LDA) program, led by faculty and clinicians at UCLA, focuses on leading the development, implementation, and evaluation of comprehensive P/IDD and LEP curricula with our partners at the Charles R. Drew University College of Medicine and the Riverside University Health System.

Medical students smiling and looking at a teacher.