The Immune Assessment Core laboratory is located the CLIA-certified UCLA Immunogenetics Center (#045D0642433), with 2000 square foot laboratory space and tissue culture facility in the Rehabilitation Building, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA. The lab is BSL2 certified and fully equipped for tissue culture, immunology, immunogenetics and molecular biology experimentation.

Instruments & Equipment

Luminex 200 Flow Cytometer
Luminex FLEXMAP 3D Flow Cytometer
BD LSRFortessa Cell Analyzer
BD FACSCanto II Flow Cytometer
BD FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer
Acea xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analyzer (MP/DP) System
Molecular Devices SpectraMax M2 Plate Reader
Applied Biosystems 3130xl Genetic Analyzer
Applied Biosystems Immunoblotting Apparatus
Applied Biosystems Real-Time PCR (7500 Fast System)
PCR Instruments
JANUS Automated Liquid Handler
Qiagen BioRobot Universal System
Qiagen EZ
Qiagen QiaCube
LABXpress Automation System
Computer-interfaced ELISA
Biological safety cabinets, dry baths, water baths, dry incubators, CO2,incubators, iPipette Pro
Simoa HD-X Analyzer


Click here for a brief description of the UCLA Immune Assessment Core for grant applications.

BD LSR Fortessa
Acea xCELLigence MP System
Luminex 200
BD LSR Fortessa Acea xCELLigence MP System Luminex 200