Submit a Request

  1. Complete the appropriate request form Tissue ProcurementHistology ServicesBlock or Slide, or Digital Imaging.
  2. If the request is for ongoing tissue procurement or clinical trial processing, please contact the Center for Pathology Research Services ([email protected]) to set-up a research agreement.
  3. All requests must be accompanied with billing information (FAU or recharge ID) prior to a request being processed.
  4. Requests outside of the UC system must provide a PO prior to the request being processed
  5. Email the service request form, recharge order form, and IRB approval to [email protected].
  6. Our lab will follow up with you by email regarding your request.


Who needs IRB approval for TPCL services? All investigators utilizing non-anonymized human tissues must have IRB approval to obtain services from the TPCL. This includes all TPCL services, from tissue procurement to digital slide scanning services, and is a requirement of the UCLA IRB. Who does not need IRB approval for TPCL services? (1) Investigators using animal tissues only. (2) Investigators using completely anonymized human tissue samples. It is important to understand that anonymized samples DO NOT contain any link back to the TPCL accession number. Thus, if at a later time one wanted additional tissue from the same patient or same specimen, this could not be done. (3) Investigators exclusively using autopsy tissues, which requires approval of the UCLA Department of Pathology Director of Autopsy Services. The TPCL can help facilitate this approval.

Rules For Slides To Be Scanned

Aperio: Best results are obtained with glass slides with tissues of regular thickness (4-5 microns), and coverslipped. Slides with marks (such as ink dots), extra mounting medium, non-glass slides, plastic cover slips, thick labels and labels that are going around the slide present challenges for proper imaging, and may need to be removed in order to obtain an optimal scan. Images are individually reviewed once the scanning is completed. Scans with a poor quality will be rescanned manually to achieve the maximum quality possible. Faint stains, air bubbles, thick sections, or marks on the glass surface can cause lower quality scans. In some cases, we recommend sample recut or restaining.

Versa: Best results are obtained with glass slides with tissues of regular thickness (4-5 microns). Slides must be coverslipped. Coverslips cannot be mounted anywhere on the slide label region. The slide label must be completely dry and absent of any mounting residue. Avoid sample placement near slide edges as samples may be beyond the physical scanning limits of the microscope.

Image Analysis Guidelines

Assisted sessions for analysis: the user will bring prepared samples and a staff member will scan and perform analysis.

Unassisted sessions for analysis: can be booked only by users that have undergone the training. If users need help, we try to answer questions right away. For questions regarding advanced image analysis, please plan ahead and set up an appointment.

Users who have been trained and who have reserved use times may use our facility 24/7/365 with key card access. Please contact Dr. Clara Magyar to obtain keycard access and to reserve use times.
The download of any programs/files from the PCs is strictly forbidden.

Any instrument malfunction should be reported immediately.

Training for analysis: An appointment must be made in advance to discuss the nature of the project. After slides have been scanned, a training session (duration: 1-2 hours) will be scheduled. Follow-up sessions are encouraged, especially for new users and for people who want to get instruction on topics not covered during the basic session.

Please contact Dr. Clara Magyar ([email protected]) for an appointment.