Newsletter - Urology at UCLA

The UCLA Department of Urology publishes a periodic newsletter that presents the latest information from the world of Urology, as well as new innovations from within the Department. 

Newsletters are archived here in PDF format, and can be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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Summer 2024 Newsletter Cover

Summer 2024

Stone Treatment Center Experts Bring Relief for a Painful Condition

It's one of the most common urological conditions, and also among the most painful - when the solid mineral deposits known as stones form and then become lodged in the kidney or elsewhere in the urinary tract. The period of discomfort during a stone episode can be excruciating, and many patients are unable to pass them without treatment. Some patients - including those with challenging anatomies or certain medical conditions - are difficult to treat without special expertise. And once the acute issue is resolved, patients must live with the reality that nationwide up to half of individuals who experience one kidney stone episode will have a second within five years. For all these reasons, the UCLA Stone Treatment Center serves a critical resource in Southern California and beyond. 

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Newsletter 2024

Spring 2024

Optimizing Health Drives Rapid Growth of The Men's Clinic at UCLA

The exponential growth of The Men’s Clinic at UCLA (TMC@UCLA), established in 2016, attests to both the increasing interest among men in optimizing their urologic, sexual, and reproductive health, and TMC@UCLA’s reputation as the world’s premier clinic for patient care, research, education, and community engagement. Beyond its core expertise in areas of hormone management, fertility treatment, penile rehabilitation, sexual health, and prostate health, TMC@UCLA's comprehensive range of services is designed to optimize the health of a population that has traditionally been less engaged in their care. 

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urology newsletter

Winter 2023 

It Begins With U: UCLA Urology Patients Persevere and Inspire

Countless UCLA Urology patients have thrived through adversity, thanks in part to the care they have received. In 2010, when she was 17, Chelsie Hill survived a drunk-driving accident in which she sustained a spinal cord injury that left her paralyzed from the waist down. Told by her doctor that she wouldn't be able to walk, Hill had other ideas. “Forget walking,” she said. “I just want to dance.” Today, Hill and her husband are raising a healthy girl, Jaelyn, born in January 2023. Additionally, Hill's business, the Rollettes, an all-women's wheelchair dance team, has performed all over the U.S. as well as overseas. Hill credits the treatment she has received at UCLA Urology with making her current life as a wife, mother, and businessperson possible. “If I didn't have the right care, I couldn't be as independent and successful as I am with my disability,” she says. “I'm so thankful that I found UCLA and Dr. Kim.”

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Fall 2023 Newsletter

Fall 2023

UCLA Urologist Brings Integrative Medicine Treatments to Patients

Lynn Stothers, MD, MHSc, was well into her third decade as an accomplished surgeon-scientist and professor of urology at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver when she decided to go back to school. Dr. Stothers joined the UCLA Urology faculty earlier this year as a professor-in-residence, returning to the department where, in 1995, she completed fellowship training in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. After learning under the tutelage of Dr. Shlomo Raz, a world leader in the field and currently a UCLA Urology distinguished professor emeritus, Dr. Stothers went back to UBC, where she had completed residency training, and became a leader in her own right. In 2020, she won the American Urological Association's prestigious Politano Award for her career-long excellence in clinical care and research in urinary incontinence and global health.
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Urology Summer 2023 Newsletter

Summer 2023

Raising the Bar for Urologic Care Throughout Los Angeles County

At its core, the health care safety net is made up of hospitals and outpatient facilities that serve the more vulnerable members of society, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. Safety net patients often face health challenges from factors that include economic and housing instability, reduced access to services, and barriers to regular health care visits. A unique collaboration built by the L.A. County Department of Health Services, along with UCLA Urology's strong commitment to serving these communities, have resulted in top-quality urology care at three UCLA-affiliated county facilities where the department provides services. 
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Urology Newsletter Spring 2023

Spring 2023

Department's Educational Mission Reaches Wide-Ranging Audiences

The audiences vary considerably — from some of the nation's most noted academic urologists and most prominent prostate cancer research groups to urologists in private practice spanning rural communities and urban centers across the country, as well as health care providers outside of urology seeking to improve their interactions and treatments of marginalized and underserved populations. But regardless of the setting, the topic, or the attendees, UCLA Urology continues to be proactive in its efforts to advance research and clinical care in ways that will improve outcomes for patients at UCLA and well beyond.
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Urology Newsletter Winter 2022

Winter 2022

Team of Specialists Improves Care of Disorders of Sex Development 

For expecting and new parents, it's high on the list of questions: “Boy or girl?” But for approximately 1 in 5,000 live births, the answer is uncertain. Disorders of sex development (DSD) refers to any of dozens of conditions — usually apparent at birth, but in some cases not until as late as adolescence — involving a mismatch between the child's chromosomes and the appearance of their genitals, making their sex unclear.
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Urology Newsletter Fall 2022

Fall 2022

Innovations Transform Diagnosis and Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer remains a leading threat to the health of older men — in the U.S., it is the second-commonest cause of cancer death in men and the most common malignancy diagnosed among males other than skin cancer. But in a little more than a decade, a remarkable transformation has occurred in how the disease is diagnosed and treated.
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Urology Newsletter Summer 2022

Summer 2022

For Patients at Risk for Hereditary Cancers, Program Provides Answers

Fueled by dramatic advances in DNA sequencing technology, genetic testing has become much more accessible, with substantial cost reductions along with far more rapid and complete results. In the field of urologic oncology, this has led to the realization that many more cancers than previously believed are inherited.
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Spring 2022

Shared Decision-Making Ensures Patients Are Full Partners in Care 

A major shift is occurring in the way medicine is practiced — with UCLA Urology playing a leadership role in driving what is now widely viewed as an indispensable component of high-quality care. 
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Winter 2022 Newsletter

Winter 2022

Transplant ‘Tolerance' Eliminates Need for Immunosuppression 

It's commonly known as “the gift of life,” and it's one of the most remarkable and heartwarming procedures in modern medicine – the transfer of a healthy organ from one individual into someone who desperately needs it to stay alive. 
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Fall 2021 Newsletter

Fall 2021

Ensuring Women With Incontinence No Longer Have to Suffer in Silence 

Urinary incontinence — the accidental leakage of urine — is extremely common, particularly among older women. It's also highly treatable. And yet, says UCLA Urology's A. Lenore Ackerman, MD, PhD, assistant professor and director of research for the Division of Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery, many people are either embarrassed to bring up the topic with their physician or assume it's an inevitable consequence of aging that they must live with. 
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Summer 2021 Urology Newsletter

Summer 2021

Under Faculty Mentorship, Trainees Blossom as Surgeon-Scientists 

As a leading academic urology department, UCLA Urology is devoted to educating the next generation of urologists in ways that go beyond teaching them how to interact with patients and perform surgeries. 
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Spring 2021 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2021

PCF's Investment in UCLA Turns Into a Boon for Prostate Cancer Research

For its impact on UCLA Urology's Prostate Cancer Research Program, few meetings were as consequential as the one held in June of 1996 at UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.
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Winter 2021 Urology Newsletter

Winter 2021

At Historic Moment, UCLA Urology Looks to Be Part of the Solution

The long-overdue societal reckoning with the centuries-old problem of systemic racism in the United States has compelled UCLA Urology, like many institutions, to look inward and examine what actions it can take to be part of the solution.
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Fall 2020 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2020

Posted Sep 04, 2020

Clinical Trials Provide Access to Tomorrow's Treatments Today

The past decade has seen an explosion of new drugs hitting the market that have extended survival and improved quality of life for urologic cancers, with many more working their way through the clinical trials pipeline — a process that can take years as they undergo the lengthy testing process required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
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Summer 2020 Urology Newsletter

Summer 2020

Posted Jun 09, 2020

Pediatric Urologists Shape Lives Through Expert Care, Compassion

Nicte Mack can still remember one of the first conversations she had with Dr. Steve Lerman, the Judith and Robert Winston Chair in Pediatric Urology, director of the Clark-Morrison Children's Urological Center at UCLA and chief of UCLA Urology's Division of Pediatric Urology.
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Spring 2020 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2020

Posted Mar 04, 2020

UCLA Prostate Cancer Program Earns Prestigious SPORE Grant Renewal

Substantial headway has been made against prostate cancer in the last 15-plus years, thanks in no small part to the UCLA Prostate Cancer Program, which has contributed to the development of effective new drugs for treating advanced forms of the disease; developed better imaging techniques for detecting it; and engendered a better understanding of risk, enabling many patients to avoid unnecessary treatment.
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Winter 2020 Urology Newsletter

Winter 2020

Posted Dec 04, 2019

Through Education and Mentorship, UCLA Urology Builds on Its Legacy

From an outsider's perspective, a leading university urology program such as UCLA's is most often associated with outstanding patient care and research. But within UCLA Urology, the education and training of medical students, interns, residents, and fellows is as important as any aspect of the department's mission.
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Fall 2019 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2019

Posted Sep 18, 2019

A Leading Kidney Cancer Program Steps Up Fight Against the Disease

At a time of dramatic advances in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with kidney cancer, the UCLA Kidney Cancer Program — which has a storied history of innovation and leadership in fighting the disease — has redoubled its research and clinical efforts under new leadership.
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Summer 2019 Urology Newsletter

Summer 2019

Posted Jun 26, 2019

Urology, Urogynecology Establish Center for Women's Pelvic Health

One of the most common health problems facing women, particularly as they age, is too often ignored. When brought to the attention of experts such as those at UCLA, women with pelvic floor disorders can be treated successfully. But, whether out of embarrassment, a lack of awareness that their problem is common and can be addressed, or because their primary care physician doesn't bring it up, many women suffer in silence.
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Spring 2019 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2019

Posted Mar 21, 2019

Kidney Donors Can Give Now So Loved One Can Benefit Later

In the aftermath of the tragic death of her 21-year-old son Alec in 2016, Kirsten Jepsen experienced something beautiful: As a designated organ donor, Alec's two kidneys, liver and heart were recovered, shipped, and successfully transplanted into four individuals whose organs were failing them.
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Winter 2019 Urology Newsletter

Winter 2019

Posted Nov 27, 2018

UCLA Urologists Develop Rapid UTI Diagnostic Test

Sir Alexander Fleming, a Scottish bacteriologist, changed the course of medicine with his 1928 discovery of penicillin, which paved the way for the use of antibiotics to treat patients with bacterial infections. But nearly a century later, antibiotic resistance has become one of the world's biggest public heath crises. Through the evolutionary process, bacteria learn to adapt to antibiotics over time, necessitating the development of new drugs.
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Fall 2018 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2018

Posted Oct 03, 2018

Stone Center Brings Relief to Patients with Painful Condition

Even before he retired, Neil Wong was devoted to his morning exercise routine with a religious fervor. Then one day several years ago, Mr. Wong unexpectedly found himself experiencing a crippling level of discomfort. Mr. Wong spent an agonizing 36 hours before the source of his pain, a stone that had developed in his kidney, passed through his urinary tract.
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Summer 2018 Urology Newsletter

Summer 2018

Posted Jul 11, 2018

Focal Therapy a Growing Option For Prostate Cancer Treatment

Dr. Stephen R. Shapiro practiced pediatric urology for 38 years, so in 2016, when his PSA began to rise and his urologist found a prostate nodule during a routine rectal exam, Dr. Shapiro was all too familiar with the likely diagnosis. Having attended UCLA Urology's annual State-of-the-Art Urology Conference, Dr. Shapiro had seen a presentation by Leonard Marks, MD, UCLA Urology professor and a pioneer in developing the targeted prostate biopsy.
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Spring 2018 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2018

Posted Mar 14, 2018

“North Campus” Expansion Starts in Burbank, Santa Clarita

For patients seeking compassionate, personalized and innovative urological care, the Westside of Los Angeles, home of UCLA, has long been a destination of choice. Consistently ranked among the nation's top four urology programs in the U.S. News & World Report annual survey, UCLA Urology boasts some of the leading physicians and researchers in the field, drawing patients — in some cases from great distances — for state-of-the-art treatment of rare and common conditions alike.
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Winter 2018 Urology Newsletter

Winter 2018

Posted Nov 16, 2017

Young Patient Overcomes the Odds, Inspires Others

Eight-year-old Evan Beier tells his UCLA Urology physicians that he will one day be elected president of the United States. Based on his positive attitude, can-do spirit and ability to overcome the odds that have been against him since birth, no one is about to disagree.
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Fall 2017 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2017

Posted Sep 20, 2017

“A Life-Affirming and Rewarding Experience”: UCLA Urology at the VA

For the UCLA Urology faculty and trainees who staff the Department of Veterans Affairs West Los Angeles Medical Center (WLA) and affiliated VA facilities throughout the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System (VAGLAHS), the time spent in clinical, research and training activities carries a special significance.
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Summer 2017 Urology Newsletter

Summer 2017

Posted Jun 28, 2017

Bringing State-of-the-Art Urologic Care to L.A. County Facilities

As an integral part of the safety net, Los Angeles County's hospitals and clinics serve the region's most vulnerable populations, including uninsured patients and those covered by Medicaid. One might assume that healthcare at these sites wouldn't be comparable to the care at facilities serving privately insured patients in more affluent communities such as Westwood and Santa Monica, where UCLA's two hospitals are located.
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Spring 2017 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2017

Posted Apr 05, 2017

50 Years Later, Kidney Transplant Program Still Leads the Way

In 1967, a UCLA Urology team participated in the first living-donor kidney transplant at UCLA. Ted Lombard, then 38, donated his kidney to his daughter Denice, then 13. Dr. Willard Goodwin, UCLA Urology's founding chief, was a member of the team. Dr. Robert B. Smith, currently a professor in the department, was on the team as a resident.
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Winter 2017 Urology Newsletter

Winter 2017

Posted Nov 16, 2016

Men's Clinic Continues to Change the Narrative, Add New Services

The Men's Clinic at UCLA opened a year ago as a multidisciplinary health and wellness center aiming to “change the narrative” – a culture in which U.S. women tend to be attentive to their wellness and preventive health needs, while many men wait until they are sick rather than taking proactive steps to optimize their health.
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Fall 2016 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2016

Posted Aug 30, 2016

Embracing the Art in Medicine: UCLA Urology's Creative Side

His photographs are featured in 19 museums around the world, including the permanent collections of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, UCLA Hammer Museum and George Eastman House, to name a few. Dr. Richard M. Ehrlich, UCLA Urology professor emeritus, has built a successful second career as a fine-art photographer.
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Summer 2016 Urology Newsletter

Summer 2016

Posted Jun 16, 2016

UCLA Urologist Leads Effort to Improve End-of-Life Care

Whether he's fulfilling his role as a mentor and teacher of residents and medical students, conducting research, or heading a multidisciplinary program to improve end-of-life care at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, Jonathan Bergman, MD, MPH, is guided by a simple but important lesson from his training as a UCLA Urology resident and Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholar.
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Spring 2016 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2016

Posted Apr 13, 2016

Inspired by Her Uncle's Example, She Prioritizes Mentoring Others

Like many of her colleagues in academic medicine, Isla Garraway, MD, PhD, could hardly be blamed for wishing there were more hours in the day. In addition to a busy clinical practice seeing patients as attending urologist at the VA West Los Angeles Medical Center, the UCLA Urology associate professor runs an active prostate cancer research laboratory and serves as director of research for the department.
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Winter 2016 Urology Newsletter

Winter 2016

Posted Nov 18, 2015

New UCLA Health – The Men's Clinic, Aims to Keep Males Active and Fit

UCLA Urologist Jesse N. Mills, MD, suggests that when it comes to looking after their health, men could learn a few things from women. Men are less likely than women to seek routine medical care and are more likely to ignore dangerous health warning signs, Dr. Mills notes. Unlike women, men tend not to go in for routine checkups between the ages of 18 and 50.
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Fall 2015 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2015

Posted Sep 23, 2015

Prostate Cancer Program Promotes Patient-Centered Care

When Jon Post was advised by his doctor that he should see a urologist about his rising PSA levels, the 56-year-old resident of San Clemente, CA, stayed close to home. But when a biopsy revealed that Post had Stage II prostate cancer, he decided to expand his search. “When you hear you have cancer, suddenly all that's important is finding the best possible place to be seen, no matter where it is,” he explains.
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Summer 2015 Urology Newsletter

Summer 2015

Posted Jul 06, 2015

New Spaces Promote Comfort, Convenience, and Better Care

UCLA Urology is growing. In Westwood and Santa Monica, and for patients with wide-ranging urological needs, the department is expanding access to its services with new and larger spaces. But size is only part of the story. Through a purposeful and coordinated effort, the new facilities are bringing together diverse teams of experts and trainees in ways that promote more communication and, as a result, enhanced training and clinical care. And through more attractive and centralized facilities, the growth is dramatically improving the patient experience.
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Spring 2015 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2015

Posted Mar 12, 2015

Endowment Advances Legacy of Longtime Department Chair

He carried the reins for UCLA Urology longer than anyone – a 27-year period during which the department grew exponentially and became recognized as a world leader in research, teaching and patient care. Now, four years after Dr. Jean B. deKernion stepped down as UCLA Urology chair, a committed group of donors have honored him through an endowment fund that will bring benefits to the department in perpetuity.
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Winter 2015 Urology Newsletter

Winter 2015

Posted Dec 01, 2014

Institute of Urologic Oncology: New Era of Patient-Centered Care

For the approximately 400,000 Americans diagnosed with kidney, bladder, testicular or prostate cancer each year, the anxiety associated with the diagnosis is often increased by the need to make multiple appointments with a slew of disparately located specialists. At a time when they need comfort and compassion, many patients find themselves mired in a process that can take weeks, and often yields confusing or conflicting advice.
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Fall 2014 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2014

Posted Oct 09, 2014

Leading the Way in Diagnosis, Treatment of Patients with Disorders of Sex Development

Through a multidisciplinary approach to evaluation and patient care, along with national leadership in learning more about medical conditions of the reproductive system that have historically been difficult to diagnose and treat, the UCLA Urology-based Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) Clinic is meeting a critical need for patients who have in the past had few places to go for help.
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Summer 2014 Urology Newsletter

Summer 2014

Posted Jun 27, 2014

The Changing Face of Urology: Ranks of Women Growing

When Carol Bennett, MD, joined the UCLA Urology faculty, all of her colleagues were male. This wasn't so long ago – the year was 1996 – and UCLA was no anomaly. At the University of Michigan, where Dr. Bennett had completed her training, she had been the first female in the urology residency program; no women were on the urology faculty.
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Spring 2014 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2014

Posted Mar 17, 2014

Could a Low-Fat, Fish-Oil Diet Alter Prostate Cancer Risk?

The cliché “you are what you eat” is easily dismissed as a well-intentioned effort by parents to coax their children to follow a healthy diet. But if intriguing results coming out of ongoing research led by UCLA Urologist William Aronson, MD, are confirmed, parents may be on to something.
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Winter 2013 Urology Newsletter

Winter 2013

Posted Nov 27, 2013

Changing Lives, Building Capacity in East Africa

For the Ugandan woman, as with so many of the other patients seen by Christopher Tarnay, MD, during his annual two-week visits to the East African nation, life had been miserable since a traumatic childbirth experience 20 years prior. On that day she had not only lost her daughter, but suffered a childbirth injury known as obstetric fistula – a hole between the birth passage and the bladder or rectum that leaves women incontinent to urine and stool.

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Fall 2013 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2013

Posted Sep 06, 2013

“Septembeard” Promotes Male Bonding to Raise Awareness and Funds for Prostate Cancer Research

When Art Wagner went in for a routine physical in April 2009, the last thing he expected to learn was that he had cancer. Mr. Wagner admits he was motivated to make his first visit to a doctor in about seven years out of vanity. “I had gotten in really good shape and wanted to hear the doctor tell me how well I was doing for a guy in my late 40s,” he recalls.
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Summer 2013 Urology Newsletter

Summer 2013

Posted Jul 27, 2013

Stone Center Tackles Painful Problem with Latest Treatments, Prevention Strategies

Nellie Lopez had known about the stone residing in her right kidney for 40 years. The 70-year-old Los Angeles resident had first been told about it when she was hospitalized in her native Peru for a stone in her left kidney. The first stone was resolved, and Ms. Lopez was advised not to worry about the second stone, which was small and high in her right kidney.
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Spring 2013 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2013

Posted Mar 19, 2013

Phase One Foundation Fills Void by Funding Promising Early-Stage Studies

During a nine-day stretch in 1998, Alberto and Stacy Valner's world was turned upside down – twice. First came news that Mr. Valner's mother, who was in her late 50s, had an aggressive and terminal form of cancer. Barely more than a week later, Mr. Valner himself was diagnosed with Stage 4 testicular cancer. His chances of survival were placed at 50/50. He was only 36.
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Winter 2013 Urology Newsletter

Winter 2013

Posted Dec 13, 2012

Paying it Forward: The UCLA Kidney Exchange Program

If you didn't know any better, you might have thought the party held at the home of Fern and Ross Bloom was a typical gathering of close friends – approximately 20 families laughing, mingling and catching up on each other's lives. But this was no ordinary party: These 20 families had been strangers until they were brought together by extraordinary circumstances. In each case, one of the family members had desperately needed a kidney transplant to resume a normal life, but spouses and other relatives willing to donate were incompatible.
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Fall 2012 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2012

Posted Oct 16, 2012

“Targeted Biopsy” Brings New Level of Accuracy to Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Robert Meier had torn his rotator cuff and was preparing for shoulder surgery in September 2008 when he received some unexpected news: The routine blood work that had been ordered prior to the operation revealed that his prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level had risen from 4 to 6. “The doctor said this wasn't normal, and that I should see a urologist after the shoulder surgery,” says Mr. Meier, a 58-year-old high school visual arts teacher in Visalia, CA.
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Spring 2012 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2012

Posted June 11, 2012

New Outlook for Kidney Cancer

As recently as 2005, patients with advanced kidney cancer could be offered only one FDA-approved treatment – a drug so toxic it required hospitalization, and was effective in only a small percentage of patients. In the seven years since, seven new drugs have been approved. Known as targeted therapies, they not only shrink or slow the growth of the tumor, but they can be taken on an outpatient basis with far fewer side effects.
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Winter 2012 Urology Newsletter

Winter 2012

Posted Jan 26, 2012

No Place Like Home

Ben Armentrout-Wiswall is discussing how he and his husband, Tom, came to adopt their three children when he is momentarily interrupted by the need to address a misadventure involving their 2-year-old. “Augustus likes to climb in the other kids' wheelchairs,” Ben says upon returning to the conversation. “Then he buckles the seatbelt and can't get out.” There's nothing unusual about a father of three young children experiencing difficulty getting through a discussion without frequent timeouts to attend to his kids' needs. But the wheelchairs in the Armentrout-Wiswall home signify that this family is anything but typical.
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Fall 2010 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2010

Posted Jan 06, 2011

Growing List of Minimally Invasive Options for BPH

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) has long been the mainstay of surgical treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a common condition affecting older men in which the enlarged prostate produces bothersome urinary symptoms. But the last decade has seen the introduction of less invasive alternatives to TURP, with the potential for equal results.
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Spring 2010 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2010

Posted June 16, 2010

  • A Comprehensive Effort to Combat Chronic Pelvic Pain
  • Alumni and Donor Spotlight
  • Clinical Update
  • Kudos
  • Clinical Trials
  • Institute of Urologic Oncology
  • Comings & Goings
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Fall 2009 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2009

Posted December 15, 2009

  • Advances in Bladder Cancer Treatment Improve Patients' Lives
  • Alumni Spotlight
  • Donor Spotlight
  • BPH UDA Study
  • Kudos
  • Clinical Trials
  • Comings & Goings
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Fall 2008 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2008

Posted February 3, 2008

  • New Treatments for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
  • Kidney Cancer Vaccine
  • Erectile Dysfunction Research
  • Clinical Trials
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Fall 2007 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2007

Posted June 7, 2007

  • Leading the Fight Against Kidney Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer Program
  • Kidney Cancer Program: Targeted Drugs
  • Kidney Cancer Program: Research
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Fall 2006 Urology Newsletter

Fall 2006

Posted January 11, 2007

  • UCLA Prostate Cancer Program
  • Integrative Urology Program
  • Proper Care of Children with Chronic Kidney Failure
  • Kidney Cancer Program Announces New Medical Director
  • Clinical Trials at UCLA
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Spring 2006 Urology Newsletter

Spring 2006

Posted June 20, 2006

  • Urosensor Technology Promises Fast, Accurate Diagnosis of UTI
  • UCLA Prostate Cancer IMPACT Program Renewed
  • Clinical Trials
  • State-of-the-Art Meeting
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Summer 2005

Posted January 18, 2006

Spring 2005

Posted May 12, 2005

  • Keeping Count - The Burden of Urologic Diseases
  • Clinical Trials in Urology
  • Legislation Would Bolster IMPACT Funding
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End of Year 2004

Posted February 23, 2005

Fall 2004

Posted October 22, 2004

Spring 2004

Posted May 6, 2004

  • Sister Act, Twin Receives the Ultimate Gift
  • Early-Stage Postate Cancer Treatments at UCLA
  • Multidisciplinary Bladder Cancer Program Launched
  • Bladder Cancer Studies Show Promise
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Fall 2003

Posted March 3, 2004

  • Experimental Approach to Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Sheds New Light, Could Guide Future Treatment
  • Urology Residents Probe Key Issues in Research Year
  • Applying Successful Melanoma Strategy, Research Team Looks to Develop Targeted Kidney Cancer Vaccine
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Summer 2003

Posted November 11, 2003

  • Paving New the Clinic and in the Lab
  • Laboratory Findings Lead to Trial of Immunosuppressant
  • Delicate Surgery Completes Turnaround for Patient who was Once Gravely Ill
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Spring 2003

Posted November 11, 2003

  • Kidney Cancer Program Offers New Hope to Patients
  • Research, Experimental Options Redefine Treatment
  • Former Patient Enjoys Life After Near Death
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery Goes Small(er)
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