
Since 2018, we have initiated several system-level efforts to improve colorectal cancer awareness and screening uptake at UCLA Health.
We have seen a steady increase in colorectal cancer screening rates across our health system over the last several years.
Read about some of these initiatives below to learn about the work we are doing to continue providing our patients with the best care possible.
Convened the colorectal cancer screening workgroup
The colorectal cancer screening workgroup includes experts in quality improvement, population health, medical informatics and health services research. The workgroup meets regularly to tackle critical issues in colorectal cancer prevention and control at UCLA Health. Visit our page on quality improvement efforts to learn more about the workgroup.
Building awareness among patients, providers and staff
We are stopping colorectal cancer in its tracks by educating our patients, providers and staff about the importance of screening and prevention. We expanded our website to provide our community with the most accurate, up-to-date information and resources on colorectal cancer screening. Visit our curated page of educational materials and find up to date information on colorectal cancer. Learn about when to start screening, about your screening options and about what to expect on your colonoscopy day on our website!
Increasing colorectal cancer screening rates
At UCLA Health, we continue to strive for excellence in care and to make it easy for everyone to get screened. We have implemented several interventions toward this goal, including electronic health record reminders to providers and patients, dedicated patient navigation and our FIT mailer program. We closely monitor colorectal cancer screening rates in our health system and are proud to be recognized by the National Colorectal Cancer Round Table (NCCRT) for our efforts to improve access to screening.
Increasing access to completing colonoscopy
We believe that getting screened for colorectal cancer should not be complicated. Learn how to schedule a colonoscopy at UCLA Health by visiting our page today.
Improving screening rate tracking systems
We are leveraging new technologies, streamlining our processes and constantly checking our progress to make sure patients do not fall through the cracks along the colorectal cancer screening pathway. We have developed an electronic dashboard to track colorectal cancer screening rates across our health system, which allows us to identify gaps in care and measure our progress.
Engaging partnerships
There are many hospitals, organizations and institutions all over the United States working to prevent colorectal cancer, and we are teaming up with some of the best.