Quality Improvement Efforts
Several quality improvement efforts are currently underway to increase colorectal cancer screening rates at UCLA Health. With support from the Department of Medicine (DOM), the DOM quality improvement team, the Vatche and Tamar Division of Digestive Disease, the Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Division of Digestive Diseases quality improvement team, and the Faculty Practice Group, a colorectal cancer screening workgroup convened in September 2018 to consolidate and streamline efforts to improve UCLA Health’s CRC screening rates.
If you are a UCLA Health provider, population health researcher, or quality improvement officer and would like to learn more about our quality improvement efforts, please email Dr. Fola May at to learn more.
Best practices #1
Our health system is an integrated network of 48 primary care clinics, 5 ambulatory surgical centers, 17 gastroenterology offices, 260+ practicing primary care physicians, and more than 55 practicing gastroenterologists. Our workgroup conducted key informant interviews across our health system with UCLA health patient employees, primary care physicians, endoscopy schedulers, and practicing gastroenterologists. We identified several barriers to successful CRC screening at UCLA Health and developed this simple set of CRC best practices and streamlined clinic workflow to maximize our impact.
Clinic directors, managers, physicians, and staff can download and print these documents, post in rounding/charting rooms, and implement the updated workflow in your clinic.
Colorectal cancer screening workgroup