What to Expect on the Day of Your Colonoscopy

Wondering what to expect at your colonoscopy?
When you arrive to your appointment, you will check in at admissions. Our staff will check with you to make sure you have arranged appropriate transportation as you will not be able to drive yourself home after the procedure. You must arrange for someone to accompany you home the day of your procedure. You may use public transportation (taxi or bus), but only if you have an adult who can escort you home.
Prior to the procedure, you will be asked to change into a gown. A nurse will place an I.V., which will be used to administer a sedating medication during the procedure. You will speak with both the gastroenterologist and someone from the anesthesia team prior to the procedure to explain the procedure to you once more, explain any risks involved, and answer any final questions you may have. Most patients will receive a type of anesthesia referred to as Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC). You will be asked to sign consent forms at this point as well.
How long does a colonoscopy take?
When the procedure room is ready, you will be wheeled over on your gurney to the procedure room. Most colonoscopies take only 15-30 minutes to complete. As a reminder, most patients recall feeling minimal to no pain or discomfort during the procedure.
After the colonoscopy is done, you will be observed in a recovery area until the effects of the anesthesia wear off. In most cases, the person who has accompanied you can meet you in the recovery area at this time.
Before leaving, you will receive an After Visit Summary (AVS) with the findings from your procedure. If any biopsies were taken, they will be sent to the lab for further analysis and you will receive a letter in approximately 1- 2 weeks with the results and the recommended time until your next colonoscopy. The gastroenterologist will write up a procedure report which is available for your referring provider.