Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Pregnancy

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Pregnancy

A multidisciplinary Preconception, Pregnancy, and Postpartum + Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) clinic has been established by UCLA’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the UCLA Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. The clinic is co-led by a maternal-fetal medicine physician who specializes in high-risk pregnancies and a gastroenterologist who specializes in IBD and women’s health. The clinic collaborates with patients and their healthcare providers through preconception planning, pregnancy, and the postpartum period to address concerns and maximize outcomes for our birthing and lactating parents and their babies. 
Women with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) who are either considering pregnancy or have already become pregnant face potential risks and complications. At the clinic, women receive personalized guidance to ensure their IBD is well controlled prior to, during and after the pregnancy, along with high-quality obstetrics care that includes close maternal-fetal medicine monitoring. 
During the pregnancy, patients are monitored for any symptoms of obstetric complications such as pre-term labor, preeclampsia or fetal growth restriction, as well as for signs of an IBD flare-up. Patients visit the multidisciplinary expert team at least once each trimester during the pregnancy, as well as returning for a postpartum visit. The clinic brings in other experts as needed.


Phone: 310-794-7274