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We care for patients with cerebral palsy in all life stages. To learn more about cerebral palsy treatment at UCLA Health, call 424-259-6593.

The Center for Cerebral Palsy at UCLA team developed the clinical assessment tool SCALE, or Selective Control Assessment of the Lower Extremity. SCALE is designed for health care practitioners to evaluate the selective voluntary motor control of children and adults with the spastic form of cerebral palsy.

You can read more about SCALE here: SCALE development, validation, and interrater reliability

The video below instructs providers on SCALE administration and scoring. Before playing the video, we recommend that you have a copy of the SCALE scoring sheet. If you do not have a copy, you can download it here:

SCALE Score Sheet (163.58 KB)

 Written instructions for SCALE administration and grading can be downloaded here:




SCALE is appropriate for children and adults 4 years of age and up. Our Mini-SCALE tool for the assessment of infants and younger children is now in development!