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We provide whole-person care to maximize your quality of life. Call 424-259-8160 to learn more about inpatient palliative care services. Call 424-259-7009 to schedule outpatient services or for general questions about outpatient palliative care. 

What is palliative care?

Palliative Care is a consultative service that provides co-management along with a primary provider. It is specialized interdisciplinary medical care focused on relieving the pain, symptoms and stress of serious illness. The Palliative providers work with the patient and, as appropriate, their family to navigate treatment plans to best achieve the patient’s goals.

How does palliative care work?

Nurse smiling at patient

The Palliative Care team visits with chronically, critically or terminally ill patients and their loved ones in the hospital to better understand what is important to them. The goal is to provide the best quality of life possible by ensuring comfort and dignity throughout the disease process.

Who can be served by palliative care?

Anyone who is suffering from a critical or chronic illness and their loved ones may benefit from Palliative Care services.

Inpatient Palliative Care
For general questions about inpatient palliative care services
Diana Ramirez, Administrative Assistant
(424) 259-8160

Community Palliative Care
For general questions about palliative care or scheduling outpatient or home services: