Pediatric Neuropsychiatry Clinic
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We provide targeted care for pediatric, adult and geriatric patients. Call or to learn more about our psychiatry services.
Clinic Overview
In the pediatric neuropsychiatry clinic, services provided include psychiatric diagnostic assessments, second opinion psychiatric consultations, case management, and medication management. The initial comprehensive psychiatric evaluation (scheduled for 90 minutes) includes a review of the history as well as feedback to you and the referring physician (and others). When indicated, referral for additional diagnostic testing (i.e. EEG, blood , etc.), educational testing, (neuro)psychological testing, neuroimaging, etc.) may occur and be facilitated. A variety of treatment approaches including medication, individual therapy, parent counseling, and family therapy are often recommended.
Because of the schedule and the teaching mission of the clinic, it is sometimes not possible to provide more intensive (i.e. weekly or biweekly) ongoing psychiatric services. Thus, in those cases, where such services are needed, referral to other appropriate providers may be necessary. In addition, this clinic does NOT provide (neuro)psychological testing but can help with appropriate referrals. Finally, this clinic does not provide individual, family or behavioral therapy.
Who We See
Our unique clinical program provides assessment and treatment for children and adolescents with BOTH behavioral/psychological/psychiatric issues and ACTIVE COMORBID neurological disorders such as
- Epilepsy/seizure disorders
- Movement disorders,
- Tic disorders/Tourette’s Syndrome
- Neurofibromatosis
- Tuberous Sclerosis
- Traumatic brain injury, brain surgery, acquired brain injury
- and others...
Children with these disorders and their families are faced with the difficulty of dealing with life’s everyday demands (work, school, friends), despite the impact of their disorder on functioning in these important domains. We help children and their families understand how their disorder impacts their lives, how to deal with deficits due to the disorder, and how to explain this to others.
Given the teaching mission of this clinic, patients WITHOUT active neurological issues are not appropriate for this clinic but may find other suitable services at UCLA (via UCLA Access 310-825-9989).
Meet the Team

Derek Ott, M.D., M.S. was born and raised in the Kansas City, Missouri area. He attended Stanford University where he received a B.A. degree in Human Biology with Honors. He subsequently attended the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, where he completed his medical and graduate training (Masters in Neuroscience). Dr. Ott began his clinical training psychiatry at the University of California Los Angeles Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Westwood, where he completed a residency in Adult Psychiatry, as well a fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Following this clinical training, Dr. Ott participated in a NIMH sponsored post-doctoral fellowship, which focused on psychopathology in pediatric epilepsy. He has authored several publications in this and related fields and is the recipient of several awards for his research efforts and teaching. Dr. Ott is board certified in both Adult as well as Child/Adolescent Psychiatry. Currently, he is an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and the director of the UCLA Pediatric Neuropsychiatry clinic. He has also served as an attending for several other teaching settings in the Division of Child Psychiatry at UCLA, including the Pediatric Psychopharmacology Clinic, the Pediatric Consultation Liaison Service, and UCLA/Westside Regional Center clinic. Current research and clinical interests include pediatric psychopharmacology, pediatric neuropsychiatry, developmental disabilities and psychosis.
Given UCLA’s role as a teaching institution, this clinic, like many clinics at UCLA, is a training clinic. Dr. Ott is the primary attending for this clinic. During the academic year, Second Year Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellows rotate through the Pediatric Neuropsychiatry Clinic as part of their specialty training in child and adolescent psychiatry. However, at different times, various professionals in training may be present, including fellows in Pediatric Neurology, trainees in Psychology/Neuropsychology, medical students and other visiting scholars.
Clinic Schedule
Thursdays 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Contact Us
To schedule an appointment, please contact clinic coordinator at .
or via emailAddress: 300 Medical Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095