Referring Physicians
Find your care
We deliver effective, minimally invasive treatments in a caring environment. Call
to connect with an expert in endocrine surgery.The physicians at the UCLA Endocrine Center are honored to partner with you in the care of your patient.
The majority of our referrals come from private physicians in the community. These professional relationships are our lifeline, and we recognize their importance daily through our commitment to both world-class outcomes and world-class communication.
Endocrine Surgery: Current Concepts - Michael W. Yeh, MD, FACS
Access and availability
Do you want to discuss a new referral or existing shared patient? Please call us at (310) 267-7838 and we will get one of our physicians on the phone with you right away. Endocrine Center physician cell phone numbers are available to referring doctors upon request. If you have an urgent referral, we will make sure your patient is seen right away. Same-day consultations are available. We can see your patient in our flagship center at Westwood, or one of our satellite centers in the South Bay or Westlake Village. See our locations.
Rapid and frequent communication
The majority of our communication occurs instantly via our electronic medical record. Once a patient lists you as their referring physician, this information is entered into our database. Thereafter, all consultation notes, progress notes, procedure notes, operative reports, and pathology reports are transmitted to you by fax as soon as the document is completed and signed. If you are experiencing any delays or problems with this, please contact us right away so that we may remedy the situation and get you the information you need.
Just the services you need, when you want them
Our multidisciplinary center has been designed to deliver comprehensive services. Having said that, we welcome referring physicians to pick and choose just the services they need. This may mean surgical evaluation alone, biopsy alone, imaging alone, adjuvant treatment (radioactive iodine) alone, or just a second opinion. Please communicate your needs to us so that we may best meet them.
Our referring physicians are our partners and our customers. We want to be available to you and your patients, to deliver the care they need while keeping you informed and in control, and then to return them safely to your care.
Contact us for more information.