Family Resources
Physical Education Resources For Families

UCLA Health Sound Body Sound Mind is dedicated to supporting physical education in a hands-on, holistic approach. To assist our community, we have compiled physical education, health, nutrition and wellness related resources that support the whole child.
Physical education provides a unique opportunity for children and adolescents to develop healthy behaviors necessary for human development. Regular exercise can help prevent illnesses and diseases, reduce stress, anxiety and depression and improve academic outcomes. PE teaches much more than how to throw and catch a ball. It teaches social and team building skills, conflict resolution, self-regulation, builds confidence and self-esteem and best of all, its fun! Explore below for a multitude of offerings.
UCLA Health Resources
UCLA Health Sports Performance
A UCLA Health department with resources including workout videos, recipes, and other help topics centered on exercise and wellbeing.
UCLA Health Back to School Guide
UCLA Health Back to School is a guide for parents to navigate current topics surrounding children's' health at schools.
UCLA Mindful
UCLA Mindful, the mindfulness education center at UCLA Health, is dedicated to advancing mindfulness education to promote individual and cultural well-being and resilience world-wide.
The mission is to provide innovative, evidence-based mindfulness programs that empower individuals and institutions to manage stress, enhance health, and cultivate inner and outer peace..
Outside Resources
American Heart Association
American Heart Association has put together an all new page of resources specific to the COVID-19 crisis.
Child Mind Institute
The Child Mind Institute is an independent nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of children, families, and communities affected by mental illness and learning disabilities.
The Partnership for a Healthier Generation
The Partnership for a Healthier America is a nonprofit created in conjunction with - but separate from - First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative to combat childhood obesity. PHA works with the public, private and nonprofit sector to broker commitments and develop strategies to address the epidemic.
Action for Healthy Kids
Action for Healthy Kids is a nationwide grassroots network mobilizing school professionals, families and communities to take actions that support the health of the whole child.
NFL Play 60
The NFL PLAY 60 campaign is designed to tackle childhood obesity by getting kids active through in-school, afterschool and team-based programs, online child-targeted outreach on, and many partnerships with like-minded organizations.
BMI Calculator
The children and adolescent Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator helps parents and educators determine whether their child is at a healthy weight, is underweight, overweight, or obese. Body fat changes with age and is determined by height, weight and gender.