Use the power of nutrition and support from a Registered Dietitian to help you reach your goals

Nutrition has the greatest impact on overall health and wellbeing. By making simple changes to your eating habits, you can reach any goal that you have set for yourself, including sports performance, lifestyle and weight management goals. Our Registered Dietitian has helped thousands of people utilize the power of nutrition to reach their full potential.

Our Dietitian can provide expertise, education and support in the following areas:

  • Pre and Post-workout Fueling
  • Sports Competition Nutrition Strategies
  • Daily/Weekly Meal Planning
  • Body Composition Assessments
  • Weight Management Strategies (weight/muscle gain, weight/fat loss)
  • Grocery Shopping Lists/Recipe Ideas
  • Travel Tips
  • Special Diets (Vegan, Vegetarian, Food Allergies, Intolerances, etc)
  • Nutritional Supplementation Guidance and Strategies
  • Nutrition Resource Development
  • Disordered Eating Support

Nutrition Membership features:

  • Nutrition consultations with Registered Dietitian
  • Body composition testing via BodyMetrix System**
  • Individualized fueling schedule
  • Tailored handouts & education
  • Email support and feedback within 48 hour

Nutrition Packages

Elite Performance Nutrition | $549 for 1 Month | $1499 for 3 Months

Premium Performance Nutrition | $349 for 1 Month | $899 for 3 Months

Nutrition Sessions

Initial Consultation (60 minutes) | $250

Follow Up Consultation (30 minutes) | $150

Body Composition (15 minutes) | $59/session | $89 Before & After

Email Access Plan - 1 Week | $150

Schedule your First Consultation Today!

UCLA Health Training Center, North Entrance

2275 Mariposa Ave, El Segundo, CA 90254

310.426.1407  |  [email protected]