About Us
UCLA Health launched the ValU Care Redesign Department in 2014 to deliver the highest value of care possible. Our mission comes with one overarching mandate: always put patients and their families first.
Mission statement: “To maximize the value of care delivered at UCLA Health by improving outcomes, improving patient experience while reducing cost through the redesign of clinical pathways”
Vision statement: “To heal humankind, one patient at a time, by improving health, alleviating suffering, and delivering acts of kindness”
ValU Care Redesign Mission
One of our department’s main responsibilities is finding ways to improve value, and to work with patients, families and other UCLA staff to achieve that. Learn more about how we define healthcare value and what our work entails.
In addition to value, our team oversees the implementation of the MOVERS strategy at UCLA Health. We ensure that each part of the initiative has the structure and support it needs. MOVERS stands for:
- M (mortality): reducing mortality rates
- O (outcomes): tracking, measuring and reporting outcomes to provide better care
- V (value): our direct responsibility, with the expectation that improving outcomes and experiences for our patients will also lower costs
- E (experience): measuring and improving both the inpatient and outpatient experience
- R (readmissions): helping patients avoid a return to the hospital
- S (safety): working to keep all patients safe during care and treatment, through open communication, transparency and trust
Leaders in Healthcare Value
Most major health systems tackle value in some fashion, but not everyone does it like UCLA Health. Our holistic approach, commitment and willingness to invest time and resources set us apart. Get involved.
Three things we do differently:
- UCLA Health created a new department — us — dedicated to improving healthcare value. This approach ensures that value remains a permanent and ongoing effort.
- Rather than work solely within departments or professions — the traditional healthcare “silos” — we take a true system-wide approach. We bring together the best minds across UCLA Health to help answer the question: How can we improve together?
- When we improve a patient’s care journey for a particular disease or condition, we do not look at just one piece. Instead, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation from beginning to end. Learn more about redesigning care.
ValU Department within UCLA Health
While our department sits under the Quality Department at UCLA Health, we also work closely with the Operations Department running our health system — part of the effort at true collaboration.
Contact Us
We look forward to hearing from you. You can reach us at:
- Address: 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA 90024
- Email:
- Phone: 310-267-3261