Ergonomics Services
We provide a variety of ergonomic services to all UCLA Health employees. To get started, submit an and include the reason for the request.
RSS Computer Ergonomics
All UCLA Health employees are encouraged to take RSS Computer Ergonomics, a web-based ergonomics training and risk assessment survey. RSS Computer Ergonomics must be completed prior to having an on-site evaluation.
On-Site Evaluation
An on-site evaluation is a 20-30 minute in-person assessment of the employee's workstation. A representative from The Office of Environmental Health & Safety will review the basics of office ergonomics and workstation set up. Appropriate adjustments and/or recommendations will be provided, along with a written evaluation to the employee’s supervisor and/or department manager. If recommendations include any new purchases, it is the responsibility of the individual's department to make them. The recommendations are usually to modify existing workstations as cost effectively as possible.
Ergonomics Lab
The ergonomics lab is where you can consult with a trained ergonomist and test out different ergonomic equipment (chairs, tables, mice, etc. An ergonomist will work with you one on one to provide ergonomic support and answer any questions. Appointments last approximately 30 min where you can demo ergonomic products and receive information on purchasing equipment. An ergonomic lab report will be provided to you and your supervisor and/ or department manager summarizing the ergonomic products you selected. The ergonomics lab can reduce unnecessary purchases and allow employees to optimize their workstation to reduce overall costs and solve ergonomic issues quickly. Please email the to schedule an appointment.
Back Safety Training
According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), back injuries among healthcare professionals are estimated to total $20 billion in annual direct and indirect costs. The Office of Environmental Health & Safety provides back safety training tailored to address the physical demands of a specific group or department. We will provide information regarding job-specific hazards, safe work practices, and ergonomic principles which can be applied at work and at home. The training consists of a preliminary observation of the tasks in your area, a group presentation as well as consultation for improving the ergonomics of job tasks.
Group Training
If a department has several (five or more) interested individuals, we provide department-wide trainings in the form of group presentations and group workstation consultations (to smaller groups). The presentation includes a 20 to 30 minute training featuring the key aspects of office ergonomics and, if requested, individual 10-minute consultations are provided. Departments requesting such evaluations should provide a room and an overhead projector. Please indicate in your if you are interested in receiving group training.
NOTE: If you are a campus or School of Medicine research department employee, please contact the
for ergonomic assistance.Helpful Links