About Us

The current smoking rate in California is approximately 11.3%.
UCLA campus is a smoke and tobacco-free environment.
includes all UCLA indoor and outdoor areas, including our hospitals and health-sciences campuses. These areas include Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, UCLA Medical Plaza, UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center, Tiverton House, the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry and Public Health, as well as all buildings wholly owned or leased by UCLA (see maps below). The policy also prohibits other tobacco use, including vaping or hookah use, and also includes smoked marijuana.In order to meet the needs of the UCLA community, this UCLA Smoke-Free Resource Center has been created. Within this site you will find updated information about the
and ways to stop smoking. Additional information can be found at the UCLA Healthy Campus Initiative Breathe Well Pod.This information is available for all members of the UCLA community to assist patients, families, visitors and staff who are impacted by smoking. Staff and faculty can also contact their provider or benefits office for smoking cessation programs and pharmacy benefits.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding. By taking steps such as this, UCLA, UCLA Health, and UCLA Health Sciences continue to lead the way toward healthier communities.

Westwood Campus Smoke-Free Environment

Santa Monica Campus Smoke-Free Environment