Q: Why is there a ban on the use of tobacco products on UCLA Health properties?
A: Being completely smoke & tobacco-free, allows us to further our mission and in doing so, we set an example of wellness and prevention that is important to our patients, employees and community.
Q: What does smoke & tobacco-free mean?
A: Smoking and the use of tobacco related products (includes but is not limited to cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, vaping devices, snuff and pipe smoking) are not permitted by anyone on UCLA campuses, Health System properties or in UCLA owned/leased vehicles.
Q: Where does the smoke & Tobacco-free policy apply and is smoking allowed inside personal vehicles?
A: Smoke & tobacco related products are prohibited in all areas inside and outside while on UCLA owned or leased properties, including inside cars that are parked on our property and in parking structures/lots.
Q: Do employees, patients and visitors have to quit using tobacco products?
A: No. UCLA promotes healthy choices and re-enforces the need to quit smoking. The policy means individuals can’t use smoke or tobacco related products on UCLA properties.
Q: What about individual rights?
A: UCLA wants to maintain a healthy environment for students, patients, visitors and employees. For this reason, we ask that individuals refrain from using smoke & tobacco related products on our property.