
Medical Requirements (PDF)

Study the required training materials posted on this webpage (see the links provided below). Not Completing Any items from the list below will disqualify you as a volunteer applicant, and you will be instructed to re-apply at a later date. Allow yourself enough time to gather all the mandatory immunizations. 

You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the following PDFs . For a free copy of this program, please visit Adobe Acrobat website.

Training Materials to Study:

Forms you will be required to complete electronically once Accepted

  • Volunteer Agreement and Certification
  • Coversheet and Acknowledgement Form
  • Abuse Reporting Forms (Elder, Child and Domestic)
  • Code of Conduct
  • Volunteer Workers Compensation Coverage
  • Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy

Online Modules that must be completed once Accepted  

  • HIPAA Privacy and Information Security Training
  • CICARE Annual On-Line Training
  • Radiation Safety Training
  • Safe Patient Handling Training
  • Volunteer Services Training
  • Unconscious Bias Training
  • Diversity Inclusion and Sensitivity Training
  • Microaggressions Training
  • Cybersecurity Training (Hospitality Services/Administrative)

Medical Requirement

All applicants will be required to upload a medical clearance form. UCLA Health  has very specific immunization requirements in order to volunteer. Please review the list below.

Volunteer Medical Requirements

Medical Clearance Form

UCLA Students Only- You will need to log into your Ash Patient Portal to request a Volunteer/SRP Clearance letter from UCLA Student Health Ash Center. Instructions for ASHE Clearance Letter (PDF)

Non-UCLA/High School -  You must obtain medical clearance by a licensed healthcare provider prior to volunteering. Click here to download form.

Things to Remember

  • Upload Medical Clearance form as soon as possible.
  • Complete all online paperwork and training modules.