Care Compliments

Allison G.

I want to send a compliment to Dr. Allison Guimera because she has been by far the best pediatrician my kids have seen. She knows my kids so well considering how many patients she has in her practice. She has that Mothers Touch and amazing instincts. Whenever I take my kids to urgent care because the office is closed I always follow up with her to get her opinion. She has the perfect blend about being conservative but also thorough so I do not really need a second opinion.

By: Christy R.

Ivy B.

Ivy is a wonderful nurse and she does things with love.

By: Dennease D.

Eddy A.

Dr Ang went above and beyond to check up on me after I saw him yesterday. He noticed that I was being treated in the er and even though he wasn't working was kind enough to call to make sure I was ok. Excellent bedside manner and follow up that rarely exists these days. I wish more Ucla doctors were this proactive and caring. He should be commended for his patient care.

By: Danielle F.

Whitney T.

Whitney was an incredible help during my delivery. She is an absolute joy to be around and clearly loves her job. Really lucky to meet and get to know her during my stay.

By: Abhita R.

Patti G.

I would like to compliment my coworker Patti for her fantastic attitude, compassion for her patients, and willingness to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. We are all lucky to know and work with her.

By: Christie D.

Nicole M.

My son developed a significant rash this past August that spread rapidly and widely across his back, neck, shoulders and chest. Initial treatment was unsuccessful. Recognizing that school was going to be starting soon, Dr. Militello sent photos of the rash to several pediatric dermatologists to try to identify the type of rash he had. She got in contact with Dr. Ronald Cotliar and scheduled an urgent appointment for us. Dr. Cotliar as able to diagnose and treat this fairly uncommon condition.

Treatment cleared up the rash in a little over a week and, as an added bonus, Dr. Cotliar made adjustments to my sons acne treatment and now his acne has been reduced by 90% .

Dr. Nicole Militello understood the physical and psychological concerns my son was facing by entering 8th grade with a wide-spread and growing rash. She kept in contact with me throughout and found the person who ultimately cured the problem. Teamwork at its best.

I have been a patient of UCLA for over 49 years and now my children are patients of UCLA. Dr. Militello has always impressed but this time she went above and beyond. Both Dr. Militello and Dr. Cotliar are rock stars in my book.

By: Andre O.

Jose U.

Jose did an outstanding job of stopping a person from going upstairs without the proper badge. She was not allowed to go upstairs at that time. He escorted her back to Maddie's Room and informed her she had to wait until it was time to go up. I was very impressed. In my four years as a volunteer, I have not experienced this diligence and kindness. Big shout out to Jose from S.O.S security.

By: Karen A.

Heather ?.

Heather was my Care Partner when I was hospitalized on 9/6 thru 9/11. She gave me exemplary care and made my hospital stay so much more comfortable with her outstanding patient care. No matter how busy she was she took the time to not only take care of my physical needs she made sure I was comfortable and had everything I needed. She was just awesome!

By: Carlene M.


thank you for being a kind, gentle smiling, warm caregiver who not a single detail got by.
i am grateful for you. I woke up feeling so bad this am but you helped me feel better by the afternoon.

You and Joonie night rn and my night care partner from last night and night before are just so amazing. As is Jolan and my day nurse this whole week who is a freakin rock star!!!! Ilene. I heart all of you guys!!!!

By: Ria K.

Heather B.

Dr. Heather Bukiri, is one of the most caring doctors you have on staff. I've have been going to her for a year now . I have a complicated case one that is always changing . She NEVER misses a beat . She is like a investigator. Her care has shown me what a doctor should be . You have a gem on your hands her care should be what all your doctors strive for .

By: Kristen M.

Jose B.

Jose has been helping the patients and staff in GOU with an exceptionally selfless attitude and empathy. You can depend on Jose not only on a busy day, but on a regular day too, by Jose going out of his way to make sure the Unit runs Smooth. "Running down to materials department to get supplies instead of waiting for them to bring it up, assisting with agitated patients in an engaging manner to divert the patient's attention, Providing company to elderly patients and sitting with them to calm them down and jumping in with help in an emergency situation without being told " are some of the examples. Some shifts I want to say to myself and other staff " GOU couldn't have survived this night without you , Jose".

By: Krishnakumari N.

Marvin B.

Dr. Marvin Bergsneider is a very caring and competent doctor.
Right after the surgery he called me (mother of patient) and told me that the surgery went well and took out the tumor. He also visited my son in his room during his stay and assured us that everything is going well. He also took the time to listen and answered our questions and concerns. Nurses and all the staffs are competent and friendly. We can see why it's one of the top hospital in the nation. Highly recommend UCLA Medical team to our friends and families. Thank you Dr. Bergsneider and your medical team for doing a good job on my son's procedure. Hoping for his fast recovery.

By: Alma A.

Hovsep K.

I was greeted for appointment by Hovsep in a gentle and caring manner. I was anxious, but he was calming and professional, with the exam (MRA) explanation. I was able to get through it today more relaxed for sure . Thank you Hovsep! The location is also welcoming and stylish. Well done!

By: Patricia L.

Tara I.

My daughter was a patient in the ER yesterday. Although the lobby was a zoo for the nine hours we were in it, Tara was kind and caring. She made several efforts to get us additional info, and she thanked us for our patience. Tara has a lovely personality, a good sense of humor, and obviously knows her job exceedingly well.

By: Joyce R.

Kathy P.

Thank you Kathy for taking care of our Dad. We appreciate you keeping us informed during his entire hospital stay. Your care and attention to detail assured us he was in good hands.

By: Colleen M.

Carol C.

There are not enough words to express how grateful I am to have had the experience being taken care of by Dr. Carol Cheng. She is absolutely amazing. She is kind, considerate, and goes above and beyond to help her patients. My condition is very painful, and gross but she never makes me feel in adequate or less than. She also works with my schedule. My insurance denied the procedure, but she appealed it and got them to change their mind. She makes going to UCLA a Wonderful Experience. I hope to be her patient forever. Every Dr. should follow in Dr. Cheng's footsteps and going to dr would be a better experience. Dr. Cheng is absolutely wonderful.

By: Lyndia C.

Rachelle R.

Thank You Rachelle for taking care of my daughter! You went above and beyond. I will never forget you! We felt at ease thanks to you!

By: Esmeralda C.

William C.

Thank you so much your kind and thoughtful concern in regard to my mom's health and providing me with excellent medical and physical care. I am most grateful for your kindness whenever I see you.

By: Adrine H.

Brandon K.

My mom has been a UCLA Health patient since 2018 when she moved in with me from Virginia after a long stretch of declining health. After getting into UCLA and multiple doctors, treatments, and an eventual heart transplant in 2020, she is doing much better. Her care at UCLA has always been amazing (with a few rare situations). She's had SO many doctors over the last 3.5 years and they have all been good but one stands head and shoulders above the rest.

I have never seen anyone advocate for their patients the way Dr. Brandon Koretz advocates for my mom. Her complicated medical history makes getting treatment for various things complicated. Specialists are always concerned their treatment might cause harm in an area where they aren't experts. Dr. Koretz is always there being the care coordinator navigating the concerns between her various specialists to help define a specific plan of care. He is knowledgeable in so many areas and seems to be the only one who truly grasps and understands her full medical history.

He is such a fierce advocate for her. Her previous steroid regimens following a lung issue and a heart transplant caused a severe deterioration in her bones which has caused her vertebrae to fracture multiple times. Last night, Dr. Koretz faught over the phone (in the most professional way ever) to get her the pain medication she so desperately needed. Words cannot express what this means to our family and my mom who would have had to go 12+ hours without pain medication with two fractured vertebrae.

I wish I could do more to show our gratitude for this help over the past several years. We are so lucky to have him in our corner!

By: Lindsay B.

Erla P.

Erla took care of my son. She was amazing and never stopped working. Erla was such a incredible care provider. My son needs alot of care and is a handful for any nurse. He was super clean and so well care for. My son is non verbal and deaf. She talked to him her whole shift just like we do at home. My son does not walk or talk he can only see a few feet in front of him. But she cared for him like a normal boy and treated him not as if he was special needs but just like any other kid in the world. I can not put into words how much that meant to me. She cared for him like you would a normal child. What parents of special need children long for so desperately is for their child to be normal. I felt today for the first time in forever that my child was normal. Thank you RN Erla my God richly bless you for taking care of my son. Thank you for talking to him like he was normal.

By: Chuck C.

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