2018 Annual Meeting - San Francisco, CA

October 13-17 2018, San Francisco, CA
Young Investigators
SPE01 |
Sunday, October 19th |
SPE01 – Featured Session: Artificial Intelligence in Perioperative Medicine: Moving from Big Data to Smart Data Eran Halperin, PhD – What is Machine Learning and How Can It Be Leveraged in Anesthesiology? Maxime Cannesson, MD, PhD – Applications of Machine-Learning Approaches in the Perioperative Setting: From Low-Resolution to High-Resolution Data |
Poster Discussions
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
AD17-2 |
Monday, October 15th |
A3002 - Pulmonary Hypertension Secondary to Pulmonary Fibrosis: A New Animal Model Closely Recapitulating Characteristic Hallmark of Vascular Remodeling in Patients Gregoire Ruffenach, Ph.D., Mylene Vaillancourt, M.Sc., Shervin Sarji, B.Sc., Shayan Moazeni, B.Sc., Nancy Cao, B.S., Laila Aryan, B.S., Jason Hong, M.D., Gregory Fishbein, M.D., Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D. |
AD15-1 |
Monday, October 15th |
A3108 – Risk Factors for Acute Kidney Injury in the Pediatric Surgical Population and Association with Mortality and Perioperative Outcomes Theodora Wingert, M.D., Wendy Ren, M.D., Tristan Grogan, M.S., Ira Hofer, M.D. |
AD09-2 |
Tuesday, October 16th |
A4003 – In Vivo Over-expression of Micro Rna-125b Induces Pulmonary Hypertension in Pre-existing Pulmonary Fibrosis Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D., Mylene Vaillancourt, M.Sc., Gregoire Ruffenach, Ph.D., Louis A. Saddic, M.D.,Ph.D., Jason Hong, M.D., Nancy Cao, B.A., Abbas Ardehali, M.D., Aman Mahajan, M.D.,Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D. A4006 – Comparison of Electrophysiological Remodeling in the Right Ventricles of Rats with Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Fibrosis-associated Pulmonary Hypertension Nancy Cao, B.A., Mylene Vaillancourt, M.S., Gregoire N. Ruffenach, Ph.D., Trixie Le, No Degree, Shayan Moazeni, B.S., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D., Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D. |
AD15-2 |
Tuesday, October 16th |
A4119 – Validation of the Modified COLDS Score Catherine H. Nguyen, M.D., Lisa K. Lee, M.D., Robert E. Shaw, M.D., Marsha Kristel L. Bernardo, M.D. |
Poster Presentations
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
EA19-1 |
Saturday, October 13th Presentation Board Number: Monotor 02 |
A1074 / Monitor 02 (11:30-12:00 PM) – Dynamic Glomerular Filtration Rate Formula as a Predictor of Peri-operative Mortality Compared to Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcome Acute Kidney Injury Classification System Myroslav Figura, M.D., Ira Hofer, M.D. |
EA19-2 |
Monday, October 13th |
A1148 / Monitor 04 (2:00-2:30 PM) – Prehabilitation to Improve Post Operative Outcomes in the Frail Population Nicole Andonian, M.D., Sumit Singh, M.D., Soban Umar, M.D., Ph.D., Cathy Lee, M.D., Michelle Braunfeld, M.D., Marcia Russel, M.D., Steven Castle, M.D. |
EA141-1 |
Sunday, October 14th Presentation Board Number: Monitor 19 |
A2035 / Monitor 19 (7:30-8:00 AM) – Anesthesia Related Deaths Reported to Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner-coroner, 2008-2017 Gundappa Neelakanta, M.B, B.S. |
EA06-3 |
Sunday, October 14th Presentation Board Number: Monitor 15 |
A2236 / Monitor 15 (2:00-2:30 PM) – Intralipid Improves Left Ventricular Function in Rats with Lps-induced Cardiac Dysfunction Hanzi Russino, M.D., Soban Umar, M.D., Ph.D., Siamak Rahman, M.D. |
EA09-1 |
Tuesday, October 16th Presentation Board Number: Monitor 17 & 19 |
A4221 / Monitor 19 (1:30-2:00 PM) – Pulmonary Hypertension is Associated with Neuroinflammation in Rats Pamela A. Chia, M.D., M.S., Mylene Vaillancourt, M.Sc., Nancy Cao, B.A., Trixie Le, Student, Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D., Aman Mahajan, M.D.,Ph.D., Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D. A4227 / Monitor 17 (2:30-3:00 PM) – 15hete Diet Induced Pulmonary Hypertension is Rescued by Apoa-I Mimetic Peptide 6f Gregoire N. Ruffenach, Ph.D., Ellen O'Connor, B.S., Mylene Vaillancourt, M.Sc., Nancy Cao, B.S., Shervin Sarji, B.S., Victor Grijalva, B.S., Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D., Srininivasa T. Reddy, Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D. |
EA17-2 |
Tuesday, October 16th Presentation Board Number: Monitor 05 |
A4254 / Monitor 05 (1:30-2:00 PM) – Assessment of Ventilator Induced Lung Injury in an Animal Model of Pulmonary Fibrosis Christopher O. Ortiz, M.D., Ph.D., Nir Hoftman, M.D., Mylene Vaillancourt, M.S., Mitchell M. Weksler, M.D., Nancy Cao, B.A., Trixie Le, Soban Umar, M.D., Ph.D., Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D. |
Medically Challenging Case Presentations
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
MCC01 |
Saturday, October 13th |
MC1059 / Monitor 03 (12:10-12:20 PM) – Cardiac Strangulation by Epicardial Pacemaker Leads Sophia Parveen Poorsattar, M.D., Louis Saddic, M.D., Ph.D. MC1412 / Monitor 18 (11:00-11:10 AM) – Post-operative Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures in A Patient with A Known Seizure Disorder Resulting In Re-intubation Sean M. Mofidi, M.D., M.S., Zarah D. Antongiorgi, M.D., Brent D. Ershoff, M.D., M.S. |
MCC04 |
Sunday, October 14th |
MC2062 / Monitor 02 (10:10-10:20 AM) - Crashing Onto Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Cardiac Arrest during Pulmonary Artery Banding Daniel Hwang, M.D., Tiffany Williams, M.D., Ph.D., Jure Marijic, M.D. MC2066 / Monitor 02 (10:50-11:00 AM) – Dysphagia and Chronic Bronchitis due to a Kommerell Diverticulum Jeffrey Jeng, M.D., Kenneth F. Kuchta, M.D. MC2208 / Monitor 05 (10:30-10:40 AM) – Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation as A Bridge to Orthotopic Liver Transplantation in Fulminant Hepatic Failure Govind Rangrass, M.D., Christopher L. Wray, M.D., Cory Soto, B.S., Christine C. Myo, M.D. MC2587 / Monitor 13 (10:40-10:50 AM) – Cesarean Section for a Patient with Fontan Physiology Mitchell Weksler, M.D., Aviva Regev, M.D. MC2635 / Monitor 14 (11:30-11:40 AM) – Multimodal Approach to Acute on Chronic Pain Management of a Patient with a Retained Bullet in the Pelvis Following the Las Vegas Shooting Andrea Poon, M.D., Eric Hsu, M.D. |
MCC05 |
Sunday, October 14th |
MC2001 / Monitor 01 (1:00-1:10 PM) – A No-cost Face-tent Maintained Oxygenation and Allowed Aggressive Oropharyngeal Suctioning in a Patient with Excessive Nasal Bleeding Following Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Myroslav Figura, M.D., Tejal H. Mehta, M.D., Huy Quoc Nguyen, M.D., Andrea Poon, M.D., James T. Tse, M.D., Ph.D. MC2780 / Monitor 17 (2:00-2:10 PM) – Actigraphy to Predict Uncontrolled Pain in a Surgical Patient with Potential for Readmission Ari R. Huverserian, M.D., Nirav V. Kamdar, M.D. |
MCC06 |
Sunday, October 14th |
MC2041 / Monitor 01 (4:10-4:20 PM) – Intraoperative Considerations for En Bloc Heart-Liver Transplant Pamela Chia, M.D., M.S., Emily Methangkool, M.D., M.P.H., Vadim Gudzenko, M.D., Christine Myo Bui, M.D. |
MCC07 |
Monday, October 15th |
MC3390 / Monitor 12 (11:20-11:30 AM) – A Novel Modified Pediatric Face Mask Provided Nasal Cpap Oxygenation and N2O in A Deeply Sedated Obese Patient during Extraction of Retained Placenta Andrea Poon, M.D., Benjamin Landgraf, M.D., Myroslav Figura, M.D., Bhoumesh Patel, M.D., James Tse, M.D., Ph.D. |
MCC08 |
Monday, October 15th |
MC3392 / Monitor 12 (1:10-1:20 PM) - Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in A Patient with Postpartum Headache Syeda A. Quadri, M.D., Raymond Y. Machi, M.D., Lawrence Younan, M.D., Slavka Bulleova, M.D. MC3500 / Monitor 15 (2:20-2:30 PM) - Management for Major Orthopedic Case in A Pediatric Patient with Myotonic Dystrophy Kristel M. Magsino, M.D., Lisa K. Lee, M.D. MC3529 / Monitor 16 (1:10-1:20 PM) - Perioperative Coordination for Novel Use of Cangrelor to Bridge Antiplatelet Therapy in A High Risk Patient with Recent Drug Eluting Stents Lauren N. Beck, M.D., Natalie Moreland, M.D., Marcella Calfon-Press, M.D., Luke Macyszyn, M.D., Nirav V. Kamdar, M.D. |
MCC09 |
Monday, October 15th |
MC3244 / Monitor 07 (5:10-5:20 PM) – Acute Intraoperative Hepatic Failure during Cardiac Surgery Raymond Y. Machi, M.D., Emily Methangkool, M.D., M.P.H. MC3274 / Monitor 8 (4:10-4:20 PM) – A Case of Hemodynamic Instability Stemming from Endotracheal Tube Occlusion Robert E. Shaw, M.D., Stefan Beseda, M.D., Jeffrey Kim, M.D., Christine Nguyen-Buckley, M.D. |
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
Session 802 |
Saturday, October 13th |
Jonathan Ho, M.D. |
Session 806 |
Saturday, October 13th |
Eric Hsu, M.D. |
Session 821 |
Sunday, October 14th |
Jonathan Ho, M.D. |
Session 824 |
Sunday, October 14th |
Kimberly Howard-Quijano, M.D., M.S. |
Session 823 |
Sunday, October 14th |
Wolf B. Kratzert, M.D., Ph.D. |
Session 831 |
Monday, October 15th |
Wolf B. Kratzert, M.D., Ph.D. |
120 Minute Panel
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
PN308 |
Monday, October 15th |
The Communications Pathway Karen S. Sibert, M.D. |
60 Minute Panel
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
PN108 |
Saturday, October 13th |
Complications after Non-operating Room Anesthesia Emily Methangkool, M.D. |
PN319 |
Monday, October 15th |
Using Tele-Medicine for Preoperative Optimization and Patient Engagement Nirav Kamdar, M.D. Moderator Maxime Cannesson, M.D., Ph.D. |
PN410 |
Tuesday, October 16th |
Moderator Wendy Ren, M.D. |
PN504 |
Wednesday, October 17th |
Prince Neelankavil, M.D. |
PN508 |
Wednesday, October 17th |
Creation and Validation of a Database to be used for Quality Improvement and Clinical Research Projects Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D. |
60 Minute Refresher Course Lecture
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
Session 202 |
Sunday, October 14th |
Implementing Value Based Care and Clinical Pathways for Surgery and Postoperative Care Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D. |
Clinical Forum
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
SS103 |
Saturday, October 13th |
Kimberly Howard-Quijano, M.D., M.S. Prince Neelankavil, M.D. |
Special Meetings and Events
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
SPE02 |
Saturday, October 13th |
Lead Speaker: Aman Mahajan, M.D., Ph.D. |
SPE06 |
Saturday, October 13th |
The Big Vision for Patient Safety Daniel Cole, M.D. |
Session |
Date / Time / Location |
Abstract # / Title / Authors |
SM732 |
Monday, October 23rd |
Practical Tips for Responding to Difficult Emotions Anahat Dhillon, M.D. |