2020 Annual Meeting - Washington D.C.

October 2 - 5 2020, Washington, D.C. - Virtual
Special Sessions
Session | Date / Time / Location | Abstract # / Title / Authors |
SPE25 - Best of Abstracts: Basic Science | Sunday, October 3rd 1:00-2:00 PM | BOS06 - In Vivo Knockdown of Snail is a Novel Therapeutic Strategy for Right Ventricular Failure Varina R. Clark, B.S., Nicole Yin, M.D., Somanshu Banerjee, Ph.D., John F. Park, Ph.D., Michael Zargari, Student, Emma Said, Student, Darnell Bagsik, Student, Gregory Fishbein, M.D., Luis A. Saddic, M.D., Ph.D., Soban Umar, M.D., Ph.D. BOS07 - CXCR3 Antagonist Rescues Pulmonary Hypertension in Female Rats by Blocking Sex-dependent Chemokine Effects Christine Cunningham, B.S., Soban Umar, M.D., Ph.D., Min Li, Ph.D., Mitali Doshi, B.S., Gregoire N. Ruffenach, Ph.D., Jason Hong, M.D., Haley Hrncir, B.S., Arthur P. Arnold, Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D. |
SPE05 APSF Panel: Ten Patient Safety Issues We've Learned from the COVID Pandemic | Saturday, October 3rd 1:00-2:00 PM | Daniel J. Cole, M.D. - The Critical Importance of Developing National Guidelines |
SPE07 FAER Diversity Panel: Diversity in the Physician Scientist Workforce: Now and in the Future | Saturday, October 3rd 3:00-5:00 PM | Daniel J. Cole, M.D. - Lead Speaker |
YI03 Young Investigator: Clinical Science | Monday, October 5th 12:00-1:00 PM | YI03-2 - Ipack Block Has No Additional Benefit to Patients Who Receive An Adductor Canal Catheter And Intraarticular Injection For Total Knee Arthoplasty Pamela Chia, M.D., M.S., Eva K. Boyd, M.D., Natale Naim, M.D., Tristan Grogan, M.S., Delara B. Brandal, M.D., Lisa K. Lee, M.D., Kelsey Wang, M.D., Peter Y. Jin, M.D., Alice Y. Li, M.D., Shabnam Majidian, D.O. |
Oral Presentations
Session | Date / Time / Location | Abstract # / Title / Authors |
OR19-1 Perioperative Medicine I | Saturday, October 3rd 10:00-11:00 AM | A106 - Geospatial Information System Analysis Of Telemedicine Pain Management Program Before And After Covid "Safer At Home" Implementation Xuezhi Dong, M.D., M.P.H., Irene Wu, M.D., Jakun W. Ing, M.D., Erin Thomas, B.S., Michael Simkovic, J.D., Tristan Grogan, M.S., Anne Lin, M.D., Nirav V. Kamdar, M.D., MBA, Laleh Jalilian, M.D. |
OR09-1 Experimental Circulation I | Saturday, October 3rd 3:00-4:00 PM | A1049 - Oxidized Lipids Induces Pulmonary Hypertension By Triggering Cytotoxic T-cell Activation And Endothelial Cell Apoptosis Gregoire Ruffenach, Ph.D., Ellen O'Connor, B.S., Christine M. Cunningham, B.S., Le Shu, Ph.D., Shuchita Tiwari, Ph.D., Xia Yang, Ph.D., Aldrin Gomes, Ph.D., Srinivasa Reddy, Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D. A1051 - Transcriptomic Analysis Of Right Ventricle From Pulmonary Hypertension Rats Identifies Emt In Human Right Ventricular Failure John Park, M.D.M Ph.D., Varina R. Clark, B.S., Tiffany M. Williams, M.D., Ph.D., Michael Zargari, B.S., Emma Said, B.S., Jason hONG, M.D., M.P.H., Louis Saddic, M.D., Ph.D., Soban Umar, M.D., Ph.D. A1502 - Asporin Regulates Cardiac Fibroblast Activation And Contributes to Reactive Interstitial Cardiac Fibrosis Lejla Medzikovic, Ph.D., Laila Aryan, B.A., Gregoire N. Ruffenach, Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D. |
OR08-2 Equipment, Monitoring and Engineering Technology II | Sunday, October 4th 12:00-1:00 PM | A2018 - Artificial Intelligence Enabled Control Of Hemodynamic Responses By Vasopressors And Narcotics In Cardiac Surgery Patients Daniel Garcia, M.D., Ph.D., Jinyoung Brian Jeong, B.S., Michael Zargari, B.S., Chih-Ming Ho, Ph.D., Jure Marijic, M.D., Maxime Cannesson, M.D., Ph.D., Soban Umar, M.D., Ph.D., Jacques Neelankavil, M.D. |
OR03-2 Chronic and Caner Pain II | Monday, October 5 10:00-11:00 AM | A3021 - Evaluation Of A Pain Clinic Telemedicine Initiative At A Major Academic Medical Center Laleh Jalilian, M.D., BS, Irene Wu, M.D., BS, Jakun W. Ing, M.D., BS, William Jon Thi, B.S., Lindsey Booker, B.S., Michael Simkovic, J.D., ESQ, Tristan Grogan, M.S., Annie Lin, M.D., BS, Nirav V. Kamdar, M.D., MBA |
eAbstract Poster Presentations
Session | Date / Time / Location | Abstract # / Title / Authors |
EA09-1 Experimental Circulation I | Saturday, October 3rd 9:00-3:00 PM | A4103 - The Regulation Of The Na+ - Ca2+ Exchanger By Cytosolic Na+ Modulates Action Potential Duration and Ca2+ Homeostasis Kyle Scranton, B.Sc., Namuna Panday, Ph.D., Marina Angelini, Ph.D., Rui Zhang, M.D., Sabine Lotteau, Ph.D., Scott John, Ph.D., Riccardo Olcese, Ph.D., Joshua I. Goldhaber, M.D., Michela Ottolia, Ph.D. A4104 - Functional Consequences of α2δ And γ Subunits Association On The Human CaV1.1 Skeletal Channel Voltage Dependence Federica Steccanella, Ph.D., Marina Angelini, Ph.D., Nicoletta Savalli, Ph.D., Riccardo Olcese, Ph.D. A4105 - Late L-type Calcium Current As A Target For A New Antiarrhythmic Drug Strategy Marina Angelini, Ph.D., Arash Pezhouman, M.D., Nicoletta Savalli, Ph.D., Marvin Chang, M.D., Ph.D., Guillaume Calmettes, Ph.D., Federica Steccanella, Ph.D., Antonios Pantazis, Ph.D., Hrayr S. Karagueuzian, Ph.D., James N. Weiss, M.D., Riccardo Olcese, Ph.D. A4106 - Inhibition Of The Na+ - Ca2+ Exchanger By Intracellular Na+ Is Essential For Normal Cardiac Function Kyle Scranton, B.Sc., Federica Steccanella, Ph.D., Namuna Panday, Ph.D., Soban Umar, M.D.,Ph.D., Mansoureh Eghbali, Ph.D., Joshua I. Goldhaber, M.D., Scott John, Ph.D., Riccardo Olcese, Ph.D., Ariel Escobar, Ph.D., Michela Ottolia, Ph.D. A4110 - The Molecular Basis Of The Voltage Dependence Of Skeletal Muscle Contraction |
EA14-3 Respiration - Basic and Clinical Science | Saturday, October 3rd 9:00-3:00 PM | A4203 - Deaths from Illicit Use of Propofol in Los Angeles County, 2007-2019 Gundappa Neelakanta, MBBS, Selma H. Calmes, MD, Christopher Rogers, MD, Lucas Jonathan, MD. |
EA17-1 Respiration - Basic and Clinical Science | Saturday, October 3rd 9:00-3:00 PM | A4291 - Transcriptomic Analysis Of Thoracic Spinal Cords In Experimental Pulmonary Hypertension Reveals Novel Targets Asif Razee, M.Sc., Jason Hong, M.D., Varina R. Clark, B.S., Soban Umar, M.D. |
EA19-1 Perioperative Medicine I | Saturday, October 3rd 9:00-3:00 PM | A4305 - Comparison Of Point-of-care Ultrasound Imaging To Computed Tomography Imaging For Frailty Evaluation Via Psoas Diameter Assessment Elyse Guran, M.D., Davinder S. Ramsingh, M.D., Sumit P. Singh, M.D., Cecilia Canales, M.D., Julian Hinson, M.D., Matthew Holsclaw, M.D., Matthew Alschuler, M.D., Gary R. Stier, M.D. |
Medically Challenging Case Presentations
Session | Date / Time / Location | Abstract # / Title / Authors |
MCC10 Medically Challenging Cases | Saturday, October 3rd 9:00-3:00 PM | MC2007 - Intraoperative Diagnosis And Management Of Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis. John Shin, M.D., Christian Seger, M.D., Libing Wang, M.D., Hanning Xing, B.S. MC2026 - Perioperative Case Of The Blues Tracie Lo, M.D., Zarah D. Antongiorgi, M.D., Susana Vacas, M.D., Ph.D. MC2031 - Balancing Metabolic Goals In A Hyponatremic Patient Undergoing Liver Transplant Michael Lin, M.D., Matthew C. Daly, B.S., Christine T. Nguyen-Buckley, M.D. MC2087 - Telemedicine-based Perioperative Management Of Pheochromocytoma In A Patient With Von Hippel Lindau Disease |
MCC03 | Saturday, October 3rd 9:00-3:00 PM | MC1328 - Dihydropyridine Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose Treated With Veno-arterial-venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Bryant Hong, M.D., Wolf Kratzert, M.D., Samuel Hong, M.D. MC1353 - Acute Intraoperative Right Ventricular Failure During Orthotopic Liver Transplant Liam Sullivan, M.D., Christine T. Nguyen-Buckley, M.D.. |
MCC09 | Saturday, October 3rd 9:00-3:00 PM | MC1910 - Difficult Airway Management In A Complex Ventilator Dependent Congenital Pediatric Patient Amy Nguyen, M.D., Johanna C. Schwarzenberger, M.D.. |
MCC12 | Saturday, October 3rd 9:00-3:00 PM | Compression after Epidural Labor Analgesia: A Case Report Ava Socik, M.D., Parisa Partownavid, M.D. MC2179 - Use Of Erector Spinae Plane Block For Post-operative Pain Management In Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (vats) Mariam Sarwary, M.D., Pamela A. Chia, M.D., Eva K. Boyd, M.D. MC2181 - Neuraxial Anesthesia For Total Knee Arthroplasty In Severe Aortic Stenosis: A Low-dose Approach With Cse Jeffrey Kim, M.D., M.S. MC2188 - Neuraxial Anesthesia On A Patient With A Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Undergoing Elective Orthopedic Surgery: A Case Study Marina Mikhael, M.D., Pamela A. Chia, M.D., Eva K. Boyd, M.D. |
Quality Improvement Projects
Session | Date / Time / Location | Abstract # / Title / Authors |
QI01 Quality Improvement Projects | Saturday, October 3rd 9:00-3:00 pM | Q1018 - Simulation Training During The Covid-19 Era: Adapting Small Group Sessions To Remote Learning Environments Marina Mikhael, M.D., Cecilia Canales, M.D., M.P.H., Yue Ming Huang, Ed.D., Christine T. Nguyen-Buckley, M.D.
Q1047 - Central Venous Catheters In Patients Receiving Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Performance Improvement Project Christopher Little, M.D., Randall Espinoza, M.D.,M.P.H., Elaine C. Liew, M.D.
Q1134 - Using High Fidelity Simulation For The Training Of Airway Management Of Patients With Emerging Infectious Disease Bryant Hong, M.D., Christine C. Myo, M.D., Christine T. Nguyen-Buckley, M.D..
Q1142 - Enhanced Recovery After Surgery - A County Hospital Pilot Initiative |
Problem-Based Learning Discussions
Session | Date / Time / Location | Abstract # / Title / Authors |
L122 Can We Use Opioid Antagonist for Pain Management? How Does It Work? | Saturday, October 3rd 12:00-1:00 PM | Table 11 - Can We Use Opioid Antagonist for Pain Management? How Does It Work? Eric Hsu, M.D. |
60-Minute Panels
Session | Date / Time / Location | Abstract # / Title / Authors |
MOCA PN305 Telemedicine and Remote Patient Monitoring Across the Perioperative Continuum | Sunday, October 4 12:00-1:00 PM | Telemedicine in the perioperative period Telemedicine After ICU discharge |