Vision Research Core at UCLA

The objectives of the Vision Research Division at the UCLA Stein Eye Institute and affiliated departments are to: (1) determine molecular mechanisms of visual function; (2) use that basic knowledge to understand the visual disease states, and (3) explore genetic, cellular, and pharmacological means of correcting these defects.
The Vision Research Core at UCLA has been funded by a National Eye Institute core grant for over 50 years. It provides equipment and technical skills to support research on the visual system and its disorders, and to foster collaborations in these endeavors.
To achieve this objective, personnel and instrument support facilities are organized according to the following components:
Microscopy and Imaging Analysis (M&I) Core: Director, David Williams
This component provides resources for tissue preparation, sectioning, and imaging by confocal, super-resolution and electron microscopy, as well as tools for image analysis.
Live imaging & Functional Evaluation (LIFE) Core: Director, Steve Nusinowitz; Co-Director, Alapakkam Sampath
This component provides resources for non-invasive live mouse imaging (fundus, OCT) and functional analysis (ERG).
Prototype Construction Core: Director, Ben Glasgow
This component provides machine shop resources for the generation of specialized, custom equipment structures and instrumentation.
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Instrumentation Core (BMBI): Director, Roxana Radu
This component provides service contracts and supervision of core instrumentation, such as centrifuges and autoclaves.
Software Engineering Core: Director, Wayne Hubbell
This component provides software to be used in conjunction with other components (equipment/tool construction, data and images analysis).
Gene & Cell Delivery Core: Director, Xian-Jie Yang
This component is currently being set up. It will provide services for generating constructs, viral packaging, and intraocular injection.
These Modules provide instrumentation commonly used by multiple laboratories and thus increase the efficiency of individual research efforts. They are essential to the success of on-going research projects in vision research. They also enable new collaborative efforts, and promote innovative research strategies.
Purchase of these state-of-the-art instruments in the modules was made possible by the generosity of various donors, as well as granting agencies, such as the NEI and RPB.