Retina Biochemistry & Clinical Disease Modeling Laboratory
Roxana A. Radu, M.D., Director & Principal Investigator

Our goal is to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of macular degeneration in order to develop new therapies for blinding diseases such as Stargardt disease (STGD1), age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and other retinopathies. We utilize a multifaceted approach including innovative genetics, molecular & cell biology, biochemistry, and small molecule analysis. Our studies are supported by the NEI R01 grant, private foundations and philanthropic funds.
Research Focus
Genetic advances to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of macular degeneration and use of gained knowledge to develop new therapies for blinding diseases such as recessive Stargardt disease (STGD1), age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and other retinal dystrophies. We utilize a multifaceted approach including innovative genetics, molecular & cell biology, biochemistry, and small molecule analysis.
Main objective is to develop and characterize disease preclinical models – human cells and mouse lines - to advance our understanding of disease pathogenesis and to identify novel therapeutic approaches to treat or prevent blindness. Dr. Radu participates enthusiastically in research projects along with her trainees and staff, providing them with valuable insights into experimental design, troubleshooting, and analysing complex data sets. Radu’s studies are supported by multiple funding sources including NIH, private foundations, and philanthropic funds.
Research Interest
- Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) as a cell-autonomous driver of pathology in ABCA4-associated retinopathies with an emphasis on retinaldehyde toxicity, endolysosomal and lipid-mediated bioenergetic disorders, and complement-dependent cellular dysfunction.
- Role of epigenetics to aging process under normal/pathological status using mouse disease models and human iPSC-derived RPE cells (normal and disease).
- Regulation of the RPE visual cycle for chromophore regeneration by non-visual opsins using both in vivo and in vitro assays.
Contact Information
Phone: (310) 267-2683
Lab: (310) 825-4005
Lab Address
Jules Stein Eye Institute
100 Stein Plaza, UCLA
Room A-121/A-200 Jules Stein Building
Los Angeles, CA 90095