Death-seq identifies regulators of cell death and senolytic therapies
Dr. Thomas A. Rando, MD, PhD
Selectively ablating damaged cells is an evolving therapeutic approach for age-related disease. Current methods for genome-wide screens to identify genes whose deletion might promote the death of damaged or senescent cells are generally underpowered because of the short timescales of cell death as well as the difficulty of scaling non-dividing cells. Here, we establish "Death-seq," a positive-selection CRISPR screen optimized to identify enhancers and mechanisms of cell death. Our screens identified synergistic enhancers of cell death induced by the known senolytic ABT-263. The screen also identified inducers of cell death and senescent cell clearance in models of age-related diseases by a related compound, ABT-199, which alone is not senolytic but exhibits less toxicity than ABT-263. Death-seq enables the systematic screening of cell death pathways to uncover molecular mechanisms of regulated cell death subroutines and identifies drug targets for the treatment of diverse pathological states such as senescence, cancer, and fibrosis.
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