Dr. Olegario Muanantatha

The Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine is pleased to welcome Dr. Olegario Muanantatha, visiting scholar from Mozambique. Dr. Olegario is a physician trained in primary care who will be joining the team of the newly-created National Blood Service in Maputo, Mozambique. The service will initially be responsible for blood collection for the main hospitals in Maputo, and will extend nationwide during phase two of the program.
Dr. Muanantatha will be training in Transfusion Medicine for the next 4 months to observe and learn about how we operate in the transfusion service, component processing laboratory, donor center and recruitment, and to observe how we train residents and fellows.
Dr. Olegario's visit is the result of the partnership between UCLA and Mozambique that was started by Dr. Lee Miller as a part of his program, Partners for Pediatric Progress, and has been funded by the AABB.