Innovative Teaching Techniques:

The Center for Advanced Surgical and Interventional Technology (CASIT) is a UCLA-designated research facility. It includes a patient simulator, integrated operating room suite, laparoscopic training laboratory, and robotic surgery system. The second and third year resident curriculum involves biweekly training sessions in CASIT, which focus on:

  • Principles and application of minimally invasive surgical technology
  • Development of proficiency in laparoscopic and robotic surgery
  • Team training with the department of anesthesia, using patient simulators to re-create OR emergencies
  • Learn more about CASIT

State-of-the-art Facilities:

The Ronald Reagan Medical Center at the Westwood campus was designed by renowned architect I.M. Pei. Replete with the very latest medical technology and an entire level dedicated to invasive procedures, this $1.3 billion complex houses the operating room of the future.

Protected Time For Learning:

  • Reminder: Do Not Page! Wednesdays, 7am - 10am is Protected Time
  • Each Wednesday morning from 7-10 AM , all residents are relieved of clinical responsibilities to attend departmental teaching conferences.
  • View conference schedule
  • The first hour consists of a topic presentation by a faculty member. Morbidity and mortality conference occupies the second hour.
  • Residents break up into small groups for level-appropriate teaching modules in the third hour.
  • The visiting professor lecture series brings established experts from North America and overseas to infuse our department with new knowledge and ideas.
  • Upper level residents are invited to dine with the visiting professor during his/her visit and to partake in a small group clinical teaching session.