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Our women’s cardiovascular specialists provide comprehensive, targeted care. To learn more about our services, call 310-825-9011.

Women's Heart Health: Research That Matters

Putting Women's Heart Health Front and Center

  • Chloe Bird: Senior Sociologist, RAND Corporation
  • Weighing in on Women's Health: The Unexpected Truth About Body Weight
    Tamara Horwich: Co-director, UCLA Women's Cardiovascular Health Center
  • Calcium and the Heart: The Collision Course Between Your Heart and Your Bones
    Karol WatsonDirector, UCLA Barbra Streisand Women's Heart Health Program
  • First-Hand Experiences from Two Women Heart Disease Survivors
    Alisa Becket, Amanda Daniels



Gender Matters: Heart Disease in Women
Marcella Calfon Press, MD, co-director, UCLA Barbra Streisand Women's Heart Health Program, offers insight into the role of gender in heart disease and discusses managing risk factors.

Love Your Heart. Everyday Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy and Strong
Karol Watson, MD, co-director, UCLA Program in Preventive Cardiology, discusses tips to keep your heart healthy and live a healthier life, as well as hidden threats to heart health and the latest news in heart research.

Latest Treatments and Advancements for Adult Congenital Heart Disease
UCLA Cardiologist Jamil Aboulhosn, MD, discusses the prevalence and impact of congenital heart disease (heart disease from birth). He will also discuss some of the surgical and medical advances that have facilitated improvements in survival and quality of life for this population.

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