UCLA Neurology Clinic Information for Patients

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Our neurology team consistently ranks among the best in the country. To find out more about our neurology services, call 310-794-1195.

UCLA Neurology Clinic information

The UCLA Neurology Clinic has an extensive subspecialty practice at the UCLA campus in Westwood and multiple general neurology clinic locations. Clinicians and clinic staff work together to ensure quality care for individuals with a large spectrum of neurological disorders.

If you have been referred by a provider, please have your physician fax the neurology consultation form (pdf) to 310-794-7491 as soon as possible. Referrals to subspecialty clinics may require an evaluation and triage period.


We provide general neurology and subspecialty neurology care at various locations. To make an appointment, please call*:

* Please have your patient registration ID number ready. A UCLA patient registration number is required for each patient cared for at the UCLA Health. If you have never seen a UCLA physician before, you are required to obtain a UCLA medical record number prior to your appointment. If you have not already done so, contact the patient pre-registration coordinator at 310-825-2631 and inform him or her of your upcoming appointment. To register, you will need the patient's insurance information, date of birth, Social Security number, home address and the referring physician's contact information. The patient will be assigned a permanent UCLA patient ID number; record this number for your records. The patient registration number is needed to schedule all appointments.


The UCLA Neurology Clinic works with many insurance companies and is an in-network provider for millions of people. In most cases, we require a physician referral. Some insurers may have additional requirements for certain medical care, which requires prior authorization. We strive to prioritize appointments on the basis of medical need.

We recommend that if in doubt you contact your insurance company to verify medical coverage and to obtain any needed authorization prior to your visit.

Parking Guide for Westwood Clinic


We know parking can be challenging at our Westwood clinic.  We're trying to make the process a little bit easier.  For your convenience, please print the parking guide to take with you when you come to the clinic.  One guide is for the 100 Medical Plaza building and one is for the 300 Medical Plaza building.