Combined Pathology/Clinical Informatics Fellowship


The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and UCLA Health offer two-year fellowship programs in the following disciplines: 

Under your program of interest, using the links above, please click "Apply Now" and upload the required materials using our application management system, UC Recruit. If you are interested in a combined clinical pathology clinical informatics fellowship, please inquire with Dr. Andrea McGonigle.

We highly encourage those who are interested in our program to submit their complete applications in a timely manner. We will review applications on a rolling basis. If you have any further questions, please contact Andrew Aldapa for Pathology specific questions, Victoria Amador for Transfusion Medicine specific questions, and Kevin Baldwin for Clinical Informatics specific questions.

Please click on the "Apply Now" link to apply for the Combined Transfusion Medicine/Clinical Informatics Fellowship. If you have any further questions, please contact Victoria Amador for Transfusion Medicine specific questions and Kevin Baldwin for Clinical Informatics specific questions.