About Us
UCLA Mindful, the mindfulness education center at UCLA Health, is dedicated to advancing mindfulness education to promote individual and cultural well-being and resilience world-wide. Our mission is to provide innovative, evidence-based mindfulness programs that empower individuals and institutions to manage stress, enhance health, and cultivate inner and outer peace. Through educational programs, we strive to inspire transformative growth and contribute to a culture of compassion and wellness for all.
Mindful awareness can be defined as paying attention to present moment experiences with openness, curiosity, and a willingness to be with what is. It is an excellent antidote to the stresses of modern times. Mindfulness invites us to slow down, breathe, observe, and connect with our inner experience. Mindfulness can be trained systematically, and can be implemented in daily life, by people of any background.
In the last 30 years, significant research suggests mindfulness can address health issues such as lowering blood pressure and boosting the immune system; increasing attention and focus; improving anxiety and depression through reducing emotional reactivity; and thickening the brain in areas in charge of decision making, emotional flexibility, and empathy.
Since 2006, the Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) has conducted research and offered educational programs and classes to the general public and within UCLA. As of 2023, MARC at the Semel Institute maintains a focus on research, while UCLA Mindful at UCLA Health emphasizes mindfulness education within the UCLA Health system and worldwide.
UCLA Mindful offers:
- Mindfulness programs: classes, workshops, and, retreats, for the general public, in person and online learning
- Mindfulness programs within UCLA Health for staff, faculty, students, and patients
- Free mindfulness education through our award-winning app, UCLA Mindful
- Free drop-in meditations for the UCLA campus and beyond including at UCLA Hammer Museum and online
- Mindfulness in the workplace programs for the UCLA campus and for the general public (such as offered in corporate, medical, educational, and mental health settings), please inquire:
- Consultation on integration of mindfulness into your institution
- Mindfulness expertise for press and media
UCLA Mindful is part of UCLA Health's