Medical Retina Research
Director: David Sarraf, MD
Fellowship Coordinator:
Phone: (310) 794-4500
The Stein Eye Institute offers a non-funded one-year International Fellowship in the study of medical retina and retinal imaging. The International Fellowship prepares graduates for careers in academic ophthalmology with an emphasis on retinal imaging and the diagnosis and management of a broad array of retinal disorders including age related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retina vascular disease, inflammatory retinopathy, drug-related toxic retinopathy, and hereditary retinal and macular degeneration and dystrophy.
The international fellow is expected to obtain a UCLA J-1 visa and permission from the California Medical Board to participate in clinical activities through its Section 2111 program. The international fellow must speak English well enough to communicate independently with patients and staff. The international fellow must maintain health and repatriation insurance and have adequate funds to cover living expenses for the year.
Program Description: The International Fellowship in Medical Retina Research is a research fellowship focusing on advanced retinal imaging and the evaluation and management of medical retina disease. Eighty percent of the fellow's time is spent in medical retina research. Twenty percent of the fellow's time is spent in patient care related to the research programs. Applicants should be knowledgeable and proficient in the evaluation and management of a broad spectrum of retinal disorders. One year of projected research time permits the fellow to complete and publish several meaningful research projects in retinal imaging and medical retinal disease. Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to academic ophthalmology and the development of a professional career devoted to medical retinal disease. At the completion of training, the Stein Eye Institute will issue an International Fellow certificate.
Research: The international fellow is expected to undertake several research projects during the year. The fellow is encouraged to present the results of these investigations at local and national and international scientific meetings and at meetings hosted within the Department of Ophthalmology at UCLA. The fellow is also expected to complete each of the research projects with publication in a peer reviewed ophthalmology journal.
Research Facilities
Education Facilities
Clinical Experience: Clinical experience related to the research program is gained by working in the clinical practice of Dr. David Sarraf at the Stein Eye Institute. The Section 2111 appointment enables the international fellow to participate in the evaluation and management of patients in the examination suites at the Stein Eye Institute. In the suite, a faculty preceptor (Dr. David Sarraf) examines all patients seen by the international fellow.
Teaching: The educational experience of the international fellow is augmented by participation in Stein Eye Institute & Doheny Eye Institute courses and Grand Rounds, and by interaction with other members of the Institutes' full-time and clinical faculty. Teaching is an integral part of the international fellowship experience. The international fellow may participate as an instructor for residents in the clinical setting and may also participate in Medical Retina Division courses and in the Retina section of the American Academy of Ophthalmology Basic and Clinical Science course that is given at the Stein Eye Institute.